Saturday, May 11, 2013

Happy Mother's day Mom! I LOVE YOU!

To start off my talk, I would like to read a poem I wrote,

Don't touch this, and don't touch that
Children of young age just love that
Ooh look some paint. Ooh look, a wall
Watch out parents this won't be small

Where you going? And who with?

Mom, stop crowding...his name is Biff.
Ten o'clock tonight, midnight the next
Watch out child, here comes the shot gun with dad the T-Rex

Next thing you know it's all goodbyes
College and missions, bring tears to the eyes
Where have the years gone, Hands clasp hands as then said,
Everything will be ok mom. Just hang on.

Letters are sent, as homesickness arrives
Mom sits at home watching for the mail, wondering if she'll survive
Prayers are said in hope and love
Watching the days snail on by, mom finally gets back to her life...sort of

It's time It's time, mom cries
Mom decided to give a welcome home surprise
Running in slow motion as two come together
Mother I've missed you, Child, you too.

Home for a time, but life moves on
A new life has begun, so much to get done
Being in a family that’s so big and loud
Moments alone are few and rare
But when they arrive, they are treated with care

Down on one knee a proposal is made
Down on two knees, a prayer is made
One in a tux, another in a dress and veil
With God's help, this marriage will not fail

Grandchildren have come, and it starts all over
It's a boy! His name is pronounced as Rover.
Even though she is now a grandma, one thing will never change
A mom is a mom, with a love no one can exchange

Mother I love you
Mother I do
Mother there isn’t anything I’d change about you
Happy Mothers day Mom


          Motherhood starts when she find out she has someone growing inside of her. She realizes she is now accountable for someone other than just her. At that moment when she looks  down at her firstborn folded in her arms after 9 months of anticipating, and her finger is grasped by that small and gentle hand, she knows she would do anything for that child. There may be many amazing and little miracles that brighten the day, but there are many challenges are placed their way. Maybe the child had a disability that the parents are confused how to help.  She may find herself chasing her baby across the house trying screaming not to run with scissors; or eat Elmer's Glue. She may run around franticly trying to find her toddler in a big clothing store, just to find her baby behind a clothing's rack in front of a three way mirror singing and dancing to the intercom music. She then may find herself on her knees praying for her teenager, hoping she'll make the right decisions with the dates she's going on. She'll realize that she can't leave her kids at the table by themselves doing homework, or else it will never get done.  But at the end of the day, as she tucks in her 9 month dream, no obstacles they had during the day, no fights that could have gotten in their way, could replace the love of a mother's hug and kiss goodnight.

          My mom has been a mother 19 years and 6 months.  I would have to say she's done a phenomenal job. When I was around 6 years old, I was in the backseat of the car with my parents in the front seat. As I was sitting with my sleeveless sundress I started crying. My mom looked back and asked what was wrong. I then cried, "I'm not modest!" My mom realized that I was old enough to realize modesty was important, and we went straight home and changed. When I was the age of 8, my mom told me that I needed to get a testimony of mine own that this is the true church. After much scripture study and prayer, I came to a knowledge that I knew it was the right thing to get baptized. My mom knew it was the right decision to make it my choice to join this church, and that it would start my own testimony.  When I was in 5th grade  I needed crutches since I had really bad growing pains in my knees. On our way out of the grocery store, I was in a wheel chair, and getting stuff loaded into our van. There was an impatient car that couldn't get around us, and started going up on the curb and nearly hit me. My mom grabbed my crutches and slammed it on the hood of her car. I know I can always count on my mom to watch my back. At 12 years old, I joined Young Women. At that time, my mom was a councilor in there. I was able to enjoy my first night of mutual with her. She helped me meet the girls and feel welcomed.  When she got called to another calling, I was devastated, but I knew that the Lord knew where she was needed most. When I was sixteen, my mom threw me an amazing sweet sixteen birthday party, and helped me set up my first group dates. My senior year of high school, she put up through my rebellious stage of life and forgave me for whatever mistakes I've made. She spent many hours helping me look for my prom dress and accessories. Thanks
to my mom and dad helping me study for my tests, I graduated high school. Now thanks to general conference in October of 2012, I can serve a mission. My mom has took more time out of her day than she ever has to prepare me for my mission. She is continuously looking for blouses, skirts, dresses, shoes, accessories, bathroom and daily needs, backpacks, water bottle filters, and so on. And that's just the beginning. not only are there materials I need; but there are many medical needs that need to be taken care of before I head off to Brazil. My mom has been there with me through every back doctor I've been through, and we finally found one that's really making a difference. She has guided me through every dental procedure I've gone through. I know that my mom really cares about what I go through; because whenever I'm in pain, or scared, or have something that could really impact me, she takes it into her hands to make it the best she can and make me feel better.

          As President Monson stated, "Who can measure a mother’s grief? Who can probe a mother’s love? Who can comprehend in its total the lofty role of a mother? With perfect trust in God, she walks, her hand in his, into the valley of the shadow of death that you and I might come forth unto life."

Our mother's love is a true example of the love of our Savior.

          Heavenly Father has put mothers in our lives to guide us through our trials, lift us when we're down, and laugh with us when we say the cheesiest jokes. Mothers are known as the nurturing ones. To nurture means to cultivate, care for, and make grow. Their role is to help their family grow mentally and spiritually strong along the side of her husband. Through this great responsibility and opportunity, they are then given the chance to learn how to become more like our Heavenly Parents.  I am not yet a mom, but I know by watching my mom that not everything comes easily; and sometimes it would just be easier to give up. But my mom knows how important it is to stay strong and be that example for us. She turns to the Lord in times of heart ache and trial and shows us that with the Lord's help, anything is possible. As I watch her, it makes me want to be just like her, and have a strong marriage like she does, and be the mother she is and always has been to me. I want to be there for my kids that I will one day have, like she has been there for me. I want to hug and kiss them so they'll always know I love them, as she has always done to me. I want to have a strong marriage, so that my kids will look for that same kind of marriage as my parents have shown me.

          As we look back to the story that is well known on mother's day, The two thousand stripling warriors; we recognize how big of an influence their mothers had on them.  Their mothers taught that if they did not doubt, God would deliver them. I know that God has placed us in families with mothers, so that we too might know that we have no reason to doubt. Our mothers love us, and if we do not doubt in the miracles and blessings of God, anything is possible.

          There is a little bump in the road that might push my mission date back; but I know that if I do not doubt the power of God, everything will be ok. I know I am truly blessed and I have a mom who loves me and has a strong testimony that Jesus Christ lives today, and that we do have a true and living prophet known as President Thomas S. Monson. Something she told me when I was having a hard day was a scripture that came to her mind, "be still, and know that I am God."

          I know that the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints is the true church, and that mothers are a blessing in our lives, if we just heed the teachings they give us, we will go far; for they are the examples Heavenly Father put in our lives so that we might learn how to forgive, and love even though it may not come easy. Our mothers have the closest thing to charity that we can come by. Their love for their children is like the love Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ has for us, their children and family. Our mothers put their love for us above everything else, so that we might have a happy and spiritually strong life. I will really miss my mom's home cooked meals every night, and her gentle yet firm hugs while I'm on my mission. I will miss her beautiful and warming smile I get whenever I do something good. I'll miss that loving voice when I'm lying on the couch sick as dog and can't get up, telling me she loves me, and she's right there for me. I will miss that heart whelming assurance that everything will be ok when I feel I can't go on. But I know that wherever I go, and whatever I do, my mom will always be there for me no matter how far apart we are. I love my mom, because she cares about me, even when I start heading down the wrong path. I love my mom, because she loves my dad, even if they have an argument. I love my mom, because she has supported me in every decision I've made. And I love my mom...because she is the most amazing, beautiful, supportive, spiritual, and meaningful person, who I'm so grateful Heavenly Father put in my life! I'm very grateful for my mom and everything she has done for me. She has helped me become the woman I am today. My mom cries when she sees me cry. She laughs when she hears me laugh. She gets angry when others hurt me. She cuddles with me when I feel lonely. And she tells me I'll do a great job and she has full confidence that I'll change the world...when she too is nervous about me leaving.

          Heavenly Father has a plan, and without mom's...none of it would be possible. They bring us into the world, and they make us who we are today. I know motherhood is important, and I just hope I can even come close to the woman my mother is. I know Heavenly Father is proud of her, and of you mothers who have worked hard in your families. The kids might not know how to express their gratitude for everything you have done for them, but know that they are appreciative for everything you do. Thank you to all the moms out there who have taken the time in raising us. For the patience in our rebellious stages, and for telling us you love us; because that's all we really want. Is to be loved. And mom, I just want you to know...I love you. And thank you for everything you have done for me. You will always be in my heart wherever I may be. As a song sings, " You'll be in my heart, from this day on, now and forever more." Mom, you're a winner for a lifetime.  If you have seized that one moment in time. You have been more than you thought you could be. You have lived to be the very best! You dedicated the song, "One Moment in Time." By Whitney Houston to me, because I was your first born, and I want to tell did a pretty good job. I love you mom. And I love this gospel, because it has sealed me to the best mom in the world.

And I say these things in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.

Friday, April 19, 2013

Our Father’s Plan, Big Enough for All his Children - A Talk I Gave

Today I was asked to give a talk based on Elder Cook’s talk, “Our Father’s Plan, Big Enough for All his Children. “ I don’t know what you think when you hear that title, but for me, I thought, “Why wouldn’t it be big enough?” So I had to really think about what he meant by that.
                Have you ever wondered what kind of impact we are on our friends, neighbors and those around us? Why is it important that we live the teachings of the gospel? What our purpose here on earth is?  Or what happens after this life? 
                Each of us has our own trials to go through and lessons to learn. Christ told his disciples, “These things I have spoken unto you, that in me ye might have peace. In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world.” Lord Tennyson in his poem “In memoriam” expressed his heartfelt sentiment after noting that ‘we trust that somehow good will be the final goal of ill’ That nothing walks with aimless feet; that not one life shall be destroyed, or cast as rubbish to the void, When God hath made the pile complete.”
                There have been many discussions about our church and has continued to increase. There has been good and negative criticism. When non members see members living righteously and living according to the teachings of the gospel, they will feel a warm and uplifting atmosphere that will make them want to know more about the church. But when members don’t live the teachings, it can be a stumbling block to those who don’t belong to the church. My mom has a friend who she has known since ninth grade and we went to visit her while we were in Idaho. While we were talking with her, we mentioned that my mom had joined the Mormon church, and her friend admitted that she didn’t trust Mormons. We asked her why, and she explained how she had some good friends that were Mormons a while back that always talked highly of their church and ended up cheating her out of a lot of money and many stolen items from her home; which were never returned or paid back. We then turned it around and told her that we’re very sorry it happened, and that not all Mormons are like that. And to this day because of our example and friendship they are still very good friends  and have great conversations. Elder Cook states, “Unlike the favorable reports on righteous members, descriptions of the Church and its doctrine have often been untrue, unfair, and harsh. It should be acknowledged that some descriptions of Christianity in general have also been very harsh. This attitude toward our doctrine does not come as a surprise. In the D&C the Lord indicated that there would be some who ‘lift up their voices and curse God’ and some ‘turn their hearts from me because of the precepts of men.’ There are many who are willing to learn about new religions with an open heart, but have been pushed away, discouraged or confused by bad examples and incorrect doctrine. But notwithstanding the significance of our doctrinal differences with other faiths, our attitude toward other churches has been to refrain from criticism. They do much good. They bless mankind. Many help their members learn of the Savior and His teachings. Just by speaking good of other churches can influence other’s opinions. A convert testified that he jumped off a city bus and walked into an LDS church building and immediately liked what he heard; especially that no one preached that people of other faiths were going to be doomed. I have a friend that I went to high school with. We talked a lot about our personal life with each other. As we continued to discuss our lives she was embarrassed to talk about some of the things she did, because she knew my standards and thought I would judge her. She got tattoos and had a different idea of what dating is than I do. As she realized I wasn’t going to judge her, she continued to tell me about experiences she had. Right before graduation, she gave me a journal that on the front cover says, “God is love.” On the front page of the journal, she wrote, “You are a talented, faithful, loving girl and I am so glad I was blessed enough to get to know you. I’ve loved getting closer to you this year and seeing a whole new side of you. The fact that you can remain strong in your faith while not being judgmental is incredible and I truly look up to you for that.” It really meant a lot to me that I could be a good example to her, hoping that maybe one day she’ll want to be a part of the gospel.  
                It is not only important that we love others outside of our church, but that we love and be kind to members of our own faith, regardless of their level of commitment or activity. Elder Cook explained that the Savior has made it clear that we are not to judge each other. This is especially true of members of our own families. Our obligation is to love and teach and never give up. I have a brother with special needs which can be sometimes very difficult and challenging. We also have a blended family of three siblings that we adopted from Russia six years ago; which has also brought new challenges and lessons to be learned in our home. As I have continued to study my scriptures and prepare for my mission to Brazil, the Holy Ghost has helped me see my family from more of an eternal perspective and what matters most. As I try to live closer to the teachings of Christ, I am able to love, help and influence the lives of many. The spirit has helped me stay calm when my siblings are causing chaos, and not all the little problems bother me as much anymore. The Savior said, “For if you keep my commandments you shall receive of his fullness, and be glorified in me.”
                Many people have a hard time accepting something new and as big as having living prophets today. Elder Cook explained that there was this young man that explained how all Europeans believed that all swans were white. It wasn’t until they discovered Australia that they found there were swans of a different color. This young man used this analogy to help explain events which have actually occurred but were not expected.  As Elder Cook thought about this, he realized that many people have refused to investigate the church seriously because they found it hard to believe personal revelation still happened today. One convert, who is now serving as a mission president, describes how difficult this was for him when he was investigating the Church. He said, “I had been taught all my life that there would never again be prophets and apostles here upon the earth. So to accept Joseph Smith as a prophet created a large stumbling block.” However, when he prayed, he states, “I received a witness that in fact the gospel had been restored to the earth and that Joseph Smith was truly a prophet of God.”
                        During Joseph Smith’s time there were many who believed that only a few would be saved, and everyone else would be doomed to endless torture. The marvelous doctrine revealed to the Prophet Joseph unveiled to us a plan of salvation that is applicable to everyone, including those who do not hear of Christ in this life, children who die before the age of accountability, and those who have no understanding. When we die, the righteous spirits live in a temporary state called paradise which is a place of peace, and no troubles. The unrighteous will live in spirit prison which is a dark place in which many fear the fury of the wrath of God, which will remain until resurrection.  Though, because of Christ’s atonement, all spirits blessed by birth will be resurrected. At the resurrection the spirit prison will deliver up its captives to Satan who have decided to not repent and return to Christ. The Savior said, “Let not your heart be troubled. In my father’s house are many mansions. I go to prepare a place for you.”  
                 The Pioneers had overcome many stumbling blocks. They had a testimony that revelation comes from heaven and that prophets and apostles are again on the earth. They had faith in the restored gospel of Jesus Christ. Their true destination was not Salt Lake Valley, but was paradise followed by exaltation in the celestial kingdom. That is why Latter-day Saints then and now sing the last verse of Come Come ye Saints with faith and expectation, “And should we die before our journey’s through; happy day! All is well! We then are free from toil and sorrow too; with the just we shall dwell!”
                We have been blessed with knowledge that we are here for a reason, and there are many blessings awaiting us; so long as we live righteously according to the teachings of the gospel. Even though this life may have many trials and tribulations, the destination is truly glorious. We need to bring this knowledge and joy to all those around us; which is a big reason why I decided to serve the Lord this upcoming May in Sao Paulo Brazil. I will be serving the Lord for 18 months and will bring the incredible blessings to many people through the power of the Holy Ghost and be an instrument in God’s hand. You don’t have to be a full time missionary to serve a mission. You can be a missionary in your own neighborhoods. Bring this joyful message to your friends, neighbors, schoolmates, and everyone around you. Be that righteous example that Christ sees in you. We are all choice children of God no matter how old or young we are; and we are all brothers and sisters; so let us all help each other return to live with Heavenly and Jesus Christ once more in the celestial Kingdom.
                As I prepared this talk, I now realize that the title of Elder Cook’s talk our Father’s Plan, Big enough for all his children, isn’t talking about size, or fitting all his children into his plan. I now understand it to mean that we are all choice sons and daughters of God and we all have the right to be a part of his plan. And that His plan with the help of the Holy Ghost is simple enough for us to comprehend its importance and have the desire to be a part of it.
                I know this is the true and everlasting Gospel that will bring to pass many great and wonderful blessings so long as we live righteously and endure till the end. Heavenly Father loves us all and wants us all to return. Not just a few selection of us, but all of us. This Plan of Salvation is meant for all his children, and I’m so grateful that he knows each and every one of us personally and is there to help us through our difficult times and helps us to learn what we need to learn from those times. I’m grateful for the atonement of Christ that I might be forgiven of my mistakes each week as I partake of the sacrament; and helps me to become more like my Savior. I know Joseph Smith is and was a true prophet and that the Book of Mormon is the word of God. I’m very excited to go and share the gospel with the people of Brazil; and I pray that I will find those who are prepared by Him to hear and accept the gospel.  I know that if we continue to live righteously, others will notice, and that could be the start of their journey to the plan of happiness. I bare these things with you in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.

Christ, Our Hope - A Talk I gave

Hopes, dreams, and wishes…fill our minds and help us endure through the hard times. Hopes of love, dreams of the impossible, and wishes of success. Each one of us has different goals and dreams, but one thing we all have in common is our hope of Christ. Today I have been asked to give a talk based on President Dieter F. Uchtdorf’s talk, Christ, Our Hope. He stated, “Hope is one leg of a three-legged stool, together with faith and charity. These three stabilize our lives regardless of the rough or uneven surfaces we might encounter at the time. The scriptures are clear and certain about the importance of hope.”
 As I think about the word hope, I think about my hope for my mission. I have wanted to serve a full time mission since I was three. My hope is that I’ll be able to be spiritually, mentally and physically prepared to bring God’s message to the people of Brazil. I hope that this mission will transform me into a true disciple of Christ. This opportunity I have to serve in Brazil has brought such high hopes of more people returning to Christ. Not only must we hope for such prominent opportunities, but we must extend our hope for life after death. Jesus Christ has atoned for our sins that we might return to live with him and our Father once more. Because of this, if we repent and turn to Christ with a changed heart we can hope for that life with Christ in which we will live forever in peace and happiness. President Uchtdorf declares, “Think of the worth of this eternal gift. Surrounded by those we love, we will know the meaning of ultimate joy as we progress in knowledge and in happiness. No matter how bleak the chapter of our lives may look today, because of the life and sacrifice of Jesus Christ, we may hope and be assured that the ending of the book of our lives will exceed our grandest expectations.” Christ is the light at the end of our tunnel; as long as we follow his teachings and example and repent of our wrong doings, there will always be something to hope for. Nephi declared, “Press forward with steadfastness in Christ, having a perfect brightness of hope, and a love of God and of all men. Wherefore, if ye shall press forward, feasting upon the word of Christ, and endure to the end, behold, thus saith the Father: Ye shall have eternal life.”
                There have been times I have thought about what my purpose is, and why I have been given the challenges that I go through. What’s the purpose? I then realize I AM a child of God, and God has hope that I’ll put my faith and trust in him so that I may receive the blessing he has in store for me. In gaining a testimony that Heavenly Father has such high hopes for me, I have then raised my hopes and dreams that I may endure to the end and be an instrument in his hands. Hope gives us strength through our trials, temptations and sorrows. They help us look forward to the joy and feeling of success when we’ve gotten through our difficult times. When we pray, we hope and have faith that our prayers are heard and answered. As we continue to hope and have faith in God, we receive courage and strength against fear, doubt and despair. In fact, Hope helps us maintain our faith. For faith is to hope for things not seen which are true. President Uchtdorf explained, “When frustration and impatience challenge charity, hope braces our resolve and urges us to care for our fellowmen even without expectation of reward. The brighter our hope, the greater our faith. The stronger our hope, the purer our charity.” Faith, hope and charity all work together, which the Gospel of Jesus Christ is dependent upon for good works. Whenever you feel discouraged, worried or lonely, don’t give in! Don’t surrender! Don’t ever allow despair to overcome you! There is so much to hope for and look forward to, so long as we stay true to the teachings of Christ and endure to the end. I like the saying that goes along with this that Christ said, “I never said it would be easy, but it would be worth it.” It is a lot of work and effort, but when we put our hope in Jesus Christ, he will never let us down.
                My junior year of high school, I was the pianist for my school’s production of “Once Upon a Mattress.” The music that they had given me was a quite a bit above my piano skills. They had given it to me about two weeks before the production showed. When I sat down for the first time to practice, I was stressed out because I felt it was a goal I wouldn’t be able to accomplish in that time period. I thought there was no way I could do this on my own, so I decided to get on my knees and ask for help. As I practiced each day after school and all through the weekends, I felt I was getting nowhere. The night of the performance I was unsure of how well I would do, scared I would mess up. I then received a father’s blessing telling me I have done my part, and I would do great. That gave me such hope that I went to the performance with great confidence. When you feel that you’re way in over your head, and you can’t do it alone, the Holy Ghost will give you what you need and will help you see your great potential. I played that night with minimum mistakes which no one, except me seemed to notice.
                Near the time my mom had converted into the church, she was asked to be the Laurel’s advisor.  My mom has never been a public speaker, and had never before taught a lesson. She was very nervous about this particular lesson one week, because it was about the holy ghost, She was nervous being so new in the church that she wouldn’t be able to answer all their question. All week she studied, pondered and prayed about what she could say that would influence each of the young women. At the end of the week, she felt flustered, because the lesson was not coming together for her. She feared the lesson wouldn’t go well, and the young women would walk away without learning anything. Right before she left for church, she opened her scriptures one more time to find a few verses that gave her great hope in D&C 11:21 and section 100:5-8 which read, “Seek not to declare my word, but first seek to obtain my word, and then shall your tongue be loosed; you shall have my spirit and my word.” “Life up your voices unto this people; speak the thoughts that I shall put in your hearts, and you shall not be confounded before men; for it shall be given you in the very hour, yeah, in the very moment, what ye shall say. And I give unto you this promise that inasmuch as ye do this the Holy Ghost shall be shed forth in bearing record unto all things whatsoever ye shall say.” My mom walked into the young women’s room with hope that the scriptures gave her in which she would teach a good lesson. During the lesson the words came to her on what to say; and every question the girls had, she was able to answer.
                Don’t give up, because Christ has not given up on you! He wants and hopes the best for all of us no matter what our mistakes are! My Senior year of High school, I did some things I’m not proud of, and lost a lot of trust from my family and friends; and I even lost a lot of self confidence and hope. But because Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ love me, they gave me loving parents who forgave me and helped me understand my consequences. I was given a wonderful visiting teacher who talked to me about the atonement of Christ. I felt so low that I felt I didn’t deserve forgiveness. It was then that my best friend told me that if I felt that way, I didn’t understand the atonement, and I needed to study and ponder it more. Today I now stand, grateful for the power of God’s mercy and love in helping me gain my hope and confidence back through my bishop, family, friends and visiting teachers. He knows we struggle, and it is through those times that make us stronger and bring us closer to Heavenly Father if we let them. We have to put our hope and faith in him and not give up! The atonement of Christ has given me great hope; and I’m eternally grateful to be able to repent of my mistakes and move forward with a sincere and repentant heart ready to renew the covenants I have made with God as I partake of the sacrament each Sunday. God’s hope in me, has helped me have hope in myself.
                Heavenly Father loves all of us, and he wants us all to succeed in this life, so that we may return to live in happiness and peace with him once more and have all that He has
                As I attended the Glady’s Knight event Friday evening they sang a hymn that really shows that Christ is our hope and our joy. As they sang the hymn I stand all amazed I then recognized that because of his great love for us, he has hope and faith that we would use and understand the atonement he gave us. The hymn reads, “I stand all amazed at the love Jesus offers me; Confused at the grace that so fully he proffers me. I tremble to know that for me he was crucified. That for me a sinner, he suffered, he bled and died.” He didn’t do this for himself. He did this because he believes in us and wants us to return to live with him again. In the next part of this hymn, it shows the hope we have him because of the atonement. “Oh it is wonderful that he should care for me, enough to die for me! Oh it is wonderful, wonderful to me!”  As we recognize what he has done for us, we again realize that he does have hope in our future and knows us individually. He knows our rebellious sides, our pride, yet he also knows our loving and companionate sides. Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ have such mercy, love and devotion to us, that he’s always willing to help us when we need it.
                I know this is the true and living gospel and that the scriptures are the word of God. I know President Monson is a true and living prophet. I know that through the atonement of Christ, all mankind may be saved through obedience to the laws and ordinances of the gospel; and that he gives us hope when we cannot fathom our future on our own. We will be happier when we put our faith in Christ. In Romans 5:2, and 5 it states, “Rejoice in hope of the glory of God. And Hope maketh not ashamed; because the love of God is shed abroad in our hearts by the Holy Ghost which is given unto us.” I testify that Christ does believe in you and you can put your hope and faith in him. I know that when we do this, and believe in his word and follow his teachings and example, we will all be blessed and be able to endure through our trials. As Paul said in Ephesians 1, “…There is exceeding greatness of his power to us who believe, according to the working of his mighty power.”
I say these things in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.