Sunday, September 14, 2014

South Stake Conference Sept 14, 2014 - Sundsay Family session

South Stake Conference Sept 14, 2014 - Sundsay Family session
  • Use the technology to flood the Earth with testimonies of the restored gospel. Be online missionaries. We are disciples and our message should be authentic and honest and true. If you are not up to date with the social media - you will fall behind! Be courageous and bold, but do not fight, argue or insult! will what others see reflect really who you are as a member of the Church of Jesus Christ? Teach the gospel! For every post you see, 54,000 people will see that post! INVITE people! (D&C 78) God will lead us if we let him. (Enoch 7) truth will come! Flood the Earth with truth!
  • Put your own interests aside for a greater cause. Set aside your fears to bring happiness and joy to others. 
  • Peter, apostle of Christ - Diamond in the Ruff. Are we teachable? The gospel isn't difficult - we make it difficult. Study! Search! Don't give up even with your faults! Be a peacemaker and forgiver. Be willing to sacrifice. Obtain patience! A principal is something we don't just learn in one Sunday school lesson, or one service. IT takes time. our religion is not a secondhand religion - practice what you preach! You don't have to be perfect to start! This is a journey that you can start now, no matter how old or young or whatever situation you are in. I'm trying to be like Jesus in  ALL that I do and say. We all need to become dedicated in disciples of Christ.
  • Doubt not, and ye shall know. The gospel of Jesus Christ changes hearts! Faith proceeds miracles! We are accountable to Heavenly Father with what we do with our life!
  • Do you take your temple recommend for granted? How willing are you to drop everything you're doing to go help someone without hesitation? Serve someone else each day! We can perform simple acts of service each day! As ye serve others, ye serve Christ.
  • Am I a disciple of Christ? Sacrifice ourselves to serve our fellow men (Matt 25) how often are you going to the temple? Stop coming up with excuses! (D&C 138) go to the temple at least once a month! For those who are physically unable to attend, receive a temple recommend and tell yourself, "If I could, I would." Be a worthy temple recommend holder. It will be a sacrifice, but will be a way to show you will follow Christ. Keep an eye single to the Glory of God.

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