Monday, August 20, 2018

Anxiety - Depression

  • You are NOT alone!
  • Do not be discouraged!
  • Christ felt alone too. when He was on the cross in pain and agony He was completely alone. He knows exactly how you feel.
  •  Keep an eternal perspective. When we just focus on the here and now you can get depressed or make bad choices.
  •  You're not going to get those unhappy thoughts from Heavenly Father. Satan is giving you those so you won't be happy. As soon as you get a negative thought, replace it with 3 good happy thoughts.
  • He has given us the ability to succeed in all that we do. Don't EVER give up!
  • Broken Vessel - (Psalms 31:10
  • "I'm never going to be happy again." - We WILL be happy again. We have to hold on.
  • If we had a physical problem you would be expected to go to the doctor to get it fixed / helped. There's no difference to mental health
  • Broken minds can be healed just as broken bones can be healed - through love, time and help.
  • If you come unto Christ everything that is broken will be healed.
  • Heavenly Father and Jesus won't give up on you. So don't you quit! Don't give up on yourself!
  •  Mental health is part of the experiences we go through in mortality. This wasn't part of the pre-mortal life (To find out more about the Pre-mortal life click here). We are blessed to have these emotions. To experience the difference between sadness and happiness
  • There's nothing fair about mortality
  • Nothing makes sense without the atonement. Heavenly Father could send us down here to mortality because of the perfect gift (atonement) that could help us through all of the struggles of mortality. The eternal perspective changes everything.
  • Just because you have anxiety or depression (or any form of mental health issues), it's not because you're sinning and you need to be more righteous. That's a myth. George Albert Smith (8th President of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints) had debilitating depression. He was bed ridden every day for weeks on end. He constantly asked his wife to pray to take him from that life. He who became a prophet shows that it has no reflection on our ability to connect with Heavenly Father. If a prophet and apostle can struggle with that, we can too
  • Jesus Wept - (John 11:35) He paused and cried with them. It happened at a level that they found it significant to write that He wept. He had full ability of the knowledge of what was yet to come; yet, He still took the time to cry. He was having His own reaction. He loved those people. We're supposed to feel these feelings - supposed to feel things. Be in them and accept them. When we try to go around them we end up numb or addicted or something else. 
  • In the movie "Inside Out" Joy tries to control everything. At the end she realizes she can't get through anything without the rest of the emotions.
  • In the Garden of Gethsemane He asked for another way. (Matthew 26:39) We're allowed to ask; but, in the end we should follow Christ's example and follow what God has planned for you. 
  • Love makes a world of a difference!
  • We have permission to feel.
  • Don't be judgemental - to others or yourself.

Picture from here

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