Monday, August 20, 2018


  • "We've been so diligent yet nothing is happening." We have to be really patient with what we're going through.
  • We see everything in the here and now perspective - where here is really part of eternity. We just need to be patient. It IS coming
  • Be patient and diligent and you will come to love and appreciate your life.
  • Keep an eternal perspective. When we just focus on the here and now you can get depressed or make bad choices.
  • Don't be so in pursuit of happiness that you miss it in the here and now. 
  • Sit back and enjoy. Don't rush
  • Everything will happen how it's meant to happen and in the Lord's timing. 
  • Happiness comes when we least expect it
  • We (our generation)  need to be careful with impatience. This generation is pretty selfish and gets what they want pretty immediately. 
  • Be patient - Fear not. Patience is an action word like Faith.
  • Don't stop after the first failure. Nephi and his brothers failed a few times before they succeeded in getting the plates. No failure ever be final. It's okay to fail. How bad do you want it? Is it worth failing a few times? Be patient. Don't let your fear of failure stop you. Don't let fear stop you from a great opportunity.
  • Persevere. Let us run with patience the race that is before us. Learn to overcome setbacks. You learn from your failures.
  • Love makes a world of a difference!
  • Be content with where God has you right now.

Picture from here

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