Thursday, August 23, 2018

It's Never Too Late!

    Do the right thing – be righteous – then no need to fear
  • Wickedness never was happiness  (Alma 10:7)
  • Stoned them not” - You are saved from the pain because of Christ (Alma 10:12)
  • Say goodbye to any form of temptations.
  • You can repent – and that feeling of guilt and shame will go away because of the atonement of Christ (Mosiah 20:3)
  • You were stuck in your sins, but through Christ you are saved (Mosiah 23:12-13)
  • The Lord will forgive you. He already has! (3 Nephi 15:5
              You are weak - As human we are weak. We need to turn to God for help. We need to take care of ourselves. (3 Nephi 17:2)

    Picture from here

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