Sunday, February 23, 2014

Sacrament meeting

Bro amatangelo- Moroni said through the Holy Ghost we can learn the wisdom of all things. 'Reverence for God is the beginning of wisdom' talked on tithing. How one young student didn't have enough money to pay for both tithing and college tuition. She decided to pay her tithing. Then later that week someone came up to her and ended up telling her they would pay for all her college tuition. God blesses us when we follow the commandments. 

Bro. Louis- fsoy-D&C 78:19 may ensign 'thanks be to God' our spirits control our bodies, not the other way around. We are judged spiritually. Our responsibility once we receive and have the gospel is to share it.  It's the spirit that teaches, it doesn't matter what we say. (But yet it does) how many no's can you get? It is your choice to accept God and the Holy Ghost in your life! The most important duty is to preach the gospel! All members pray for a baptism or a friend to come to church or take the lessons. 

Bro. Simpson- D&C 107:1-4 ( how we got the name for the Melchizedek priesthood) Aaronic priesthood -lesser priesthood and outward appearance. Helps you learn how to become more mature, etc to help you prepare for the more higher and spiritual priesthood. Aaronic - physical. Melchizedek - spiritual. Order of authority:Christ -> prophet -> 1st presidency   -> 12 apostles -> quorum  and are of 70s -> stake president (oversees 8 wards) -> bishops -> ward-> Melchizedek priesthood (give blessings with the laying on of hands, can marry others, can serve a mission, can become one of the order in authority listed above, ) -> Aaronic priesthood ( pass n bless the sacrament, baptize, teach, collect fast offerings, help church members live the commandments (home teachers) prepare bread n water for sacrament service, baptize, etc. layers of this priesthood are: deacon, teacher,the priest. Bishop presides over the priests,as well as the ward) )

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