Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Institute - with Christ in our lives

Feb 11, 2014What council would you give a future child how to deal with mortality in just 4 sentences?Even in the hardest times, turn to God and he'll always be there. Don't let the natural man overtake what you know is right. Be patient, have courage, and believe in yourself. Keep the words of God refreshed in your mind daily. Alma 36:1-3 trust God, keep the commandments. You will then be blessed with knowing where you stand, self confidence, aka temporally and spiritually. It's the whole key that will unlock anything else.  12-15 we are held accountable if we spiritually murder someone else.  Recognize your sin. You might feel worthless, dirty, low, empty, and wish you never existed. 17-18 Christ's atonement has been given to us to help us gain some hope and become a better person. Remember what you've done do you don't do it, but recognize that God forgives you. Don't dwell on it. You can teach others. Even in your darkest times, and you've lost the spirit of Christ, right when you're about to completely give up, the spirit will remind you that the atonement is still there for you to use. It's ok to cry. Get on your knees and pray. God is waiting for you to turn to him. He will help you. Remember - hope. There's always a choice. We do fall, we do fail, we we can always try again! Starts out bitter, then after you've turned to God after your trials, revelation comes. 12-15 = bitter, nasty17-18= the hinge, revelation of truth, what to do / your next step. Confess. It takes a lot of integrity to right your wrong. The bishop will NEVER look down on you. The adversary is trying to stop you from partaking of the atonement. Now not everything ends up seeing the bishop. But when in doubt, see the bishop. You'll sleep better. 19-21 the atonement will work as soon as you let it. The pain can go away immediately. Your joy will be as strong as your pain if not more. FORGIVE YOURSELF!!!! You are your own worst enemy. Don't call God a liar. That his atonement isn't great enough for you. You cannot hide your crimes from God. Learn from your mistakes. Become a better person. Alma 42:4,13-23. (Watch video) 29.  May it trouble you no more. Turn to the Keys who have the ability to help us. Only worry about the things you haven't repented of yet. 

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