Sunday, February 23, 2014

Stake conference Feb 2014

Sis Massey- why do you think simple acts of service have the power to bring us closer to heaven? We are keeping our baptismal covenants, and coming closer to God! Simple service can make someone's day! What simple acts if service or kindness have people done for you that just made your day? What about things you gave fine for others that just made their day? What can you do to help? Share, give, smile, listen, help, etc! Be upright, just, and merciful. Cultivate a quality of charity. WWJD! We are all children of God, so we are all brothers and sisters! Just like a big brother would look after his little sister, we should look after everyone as if we were their big brother. Act towards everyone as a big brother to his younger sister! Visit teach! God may choose you to be an instrument in his hands to help another one of his children. Then maybe one day he'll have someone else be an instrument to help you. Serving brings happiness in our lives because its keeping  us selfless like Jesus. When you're helping you're happy. Take it from being inward and project it outward! We are held accountable for all our choices. Defy the natural man and become more like God. James 2:10. 1  nephi  21:10.  Isaiah 53:4-5Repentance means to change for good. You'll find your way to the scriptures for the future. From our mistakes we receive feedback - we learn from our mistakes. Turn yourself around and go the right way. Be humble enough to learn new tricks. What direction are you going in? Let the spirit guide you. The spirit gives you hints. The Holy Ghost is your gps. We my miss a lot of turns, but it always recalculates. Eventually if we get way off the road, it will yell you to just get to this one spot, then it will guide you from there. Stop talking, stop coming up with excuses, etc... Zip it and listen. Listen to what the spirit has to say. You'll get the sense. He'll warn you in times of danger. He'll tell you which way to go. He'll help us know what we should do. He can also being you peace. Build in your hearts the love of Christ. He is not a punishing God. May the peace of Christ be with you. Everyone feels and recognizes the spirit differently. Deut. 4:29 God hears our prayers as we seek him. D&c 93:1. Mormon 9:9. 2 nephi26:13. Psalms 2:7. Be aware and willing and ready to engage.

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