Tuesday, August 28, 2018

Hope for Tomorrow

  • The sun will come out tomorrow! (3 Nephi 1:19)
  • Put your focus and efforts and heart upon God.
  • It's ok to be sad – as long as in the end you recognize your blessings and remember your promises. (Mosiah 25:10)
  • Be zealous! Do NOT slouch in your beliefs! (Alma 21:23)
  • Replace your doubt and fear with faith and trust (3 Nephi 8:4)
  • Depend on your faith for it will guide you!
  • Stand tall for you have MUCH to be proud of!
  • You can accomplish all things. One step at a time.
  • Life is not easy. Life is not fair. BUT it can indeed be wonderful as you allow the Spirit of your Heavenly Father to grow within you.
  • Close Up View of Text on Wood at HomeStand strong – no matter what storms may come!
  • Is your faith strong enough for Heavenly Father to work with you?
  • You have a special role here on earth!
  • Seek out Heavenly Father in your challenges!
  • As you apply the appropriate priorities you'll see what's open to you!
  • Don't fear what's ahead. Have faith
  • Don't seek the easy way for those are the ways of Satan; but, seek the more difficult path for in them are the rewards achieved.
  • With courage and faith confront your trial and remember the promises that have been made unto you.
  • Obey the law of health. Go to bed early and wake up early. – Word of Wisdom (D&C 89)
  • By following God's paths and ways you'll have that joy that He has promised

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