Tuesday, August 28, 2018

Mosiah 7-23 - Tips for Life

  • The burdens you're tied to will be loosed. Patience, gratitude, faith and forgiveness are vital. God answers our prayers and questions many times through other people. Put your turst in God. Quit worrying about it! Full purpose of heart – give it everything you got! TRUST and SERVE! (Mosiah 7:8,13,14,19,33)
  • fashion, footwear, grassChoose the more difficult yet righteous path instead of easier sinful / slothful path. God hears you! Be patient and give Him time to answer you. (Mosiah 9:12,18)
  • Always be prepared! DON'T be lazy! (Mosiah 10:2,4)
  • If you ask for His help, He'll strengthen you to be able to endure with faith and to have more trust in His promises. You have been promised. TRUST! When dating, make sure you choose a man/woman of God. A faithful servant. (Mosiah 23:2,10,14)

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