Monday, August 27, 2018

General Conference Oct 2017 – Saturday Morning

Dieter F. Uchtdorf – God knows the many times you have sought Him and how many times you have cried in loneliness. The Savior extends His hand to you. “Come follow me.” Your life will be better if you turn to the Lord. God will use you if you let Him. Life is not a self driving car or an airplane on auto pilot.

Bonnie L. Oscarson – Unless we lose ourselves in service to others there is little purpose to our own lives. Think, “who needs me today?” Ask Heavenly Father to show you who needs you today and how best you can help them. God DOES notice us – but is usually through other people that He meets our needs.

Dallin H. Oaks – God ultimately wants us to have exaltation with our families. Exaltation is a family matter. Choose the Lord's way instead of the world's way. Families will more likely be happy when founded upon the teachings of Christ.

John C. Pingree Jr – God has significant things for YOU to accomplish. Are we so pre-occupied with worldly things that we're diverted from our divine assignments? Are we living in such a way that the Lord can work through us? God WANTS us to succeed. The Lord WILL NOT FAIL US! Yield ourselves to God.

Brown Wooden Floor D. Todd Christopherson – We can't be content to remain as we are. We can feel real hope because of Christ. Pursue holiness. Service is not something we endure through so we can earn the right to the Celestial Kingdom. Service is the very fiber of which an exalted life in the Celestial Kingdom is made. Take time to be Holy – the world rushes on.
Jeffery R. Holland – We also receive salvation from our own self criticism. Be a little more Godlike at LEAST in the little things – which is in our ability to do. Let's strive for steady improvement. Don't gloat – give your help! God is holding onto us, guiding us and refusing to let us go.

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