Wednesday, August 29, 2018

General Conference Apr 2018 – Sunday Afternoon

backlit, bright, dawn           Jeffrey R. Holland – The Lord is hastening His work in this time. Love one another as I have loved you. No longer Visiting teaching or Home teaching language. No teaching prepared lesson. Watch and nourish the people. More care and concern. We're trying to mature. Interviews are crucial. We have a Heaven sent opportunity. We all need to feel the warm hand of friendship. Care for one another in a new bold Heavenly way. “I need you here now” - be there. Be a true friend.

           Ulisses Soares – We are not alone in this world.
           Pres. Nelson – Retire Home teaching and Visiting teaching. New = Ministering
           Sis. Jean B. Bingham – Serve and love. Prepare for the blessings of Eternal Life. We want to be of service. What does he/she need? Forget our own problems. Serving brings happiness!
           Dieter F. Uchtdorf – You will live in the Eternities free from death and pain because of Jesus Christ. We have ALL sinned. We can become purified and sacred! When you ponder the life of Jesus Christ, what do you see? When you're encompassed in sorrows or grief, feel lost or forgotten, despairing doubting, damaged or defeated, behold the man. He will comfort you, heal you and give meaning to your journey. Power to the faint. Seek to align your life with His. TRUST HIM!
           Gerald Gosse – It's not about you. It's about them.
       Pres. Nelson – TEMPLE IN RUSSIA!!!!!

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