Thursday, August 23, 2018

The Lord our God

  • Christ defines you. He constantly helps you. Don't give up and don't give in! He still has open arms for you! (Alma 10:4,6)
  • Stoned them not” - You are saved from the pain because of Christ (Alma 10:12)
  • Without God, you are nothing. (Mosiah 12:15)
  • Christ forgives and loves
  • Do you trust yourself? Do you trust God?
  • Pray that you'll be filled with Christ's love (Moroni 7:48)
  • The Lord protects His righteous people (Mosiah 19:2)
  • The Lord is constantly giving us blessings. Learn to recognize them! (Joshua 1:2)
  • Cleave unto God with all your heart. To cleave: to adhere closely. Stick. Cling. To remain faithful. (D&C 11:19)
  • Experiment upon my words and exercise a particle of faith” - try it out. See if it works. The whole thing is about faith! Trust in God! (Alma 32:27)
  • God prepares the way (Joshua 2:7)
  • The living God is living among you! Be not afraid! (Joshua 2:10)
  • Down Angle Photography of Red Clouds and Blue SkyThe Lord hears and needs you (Mosiah 23:10)
  • Rely upon the word of the Lord with full purpose of heart and He will not lead you astray (D&C 17:1)
  • Has the Lord entrusted you with a task? If so what is it and what are you doing to accomplish it? (Mosiah 24:1)
  • The Lord doesn't always fully take away the burdens – but He'll strengthen you to bear your burdens with ease if you turn to Him. How has he done that for you? (Mosiah 24:15)
  • Do you submit cheerfully and with patience to ALL the will of the Lord? No matter what the circumstance?
  • Do you give or pour out your thanks unto God? (Mosiah 24:21)
  • As the Lord is specific – we too should be specific when we talk with Him. (Joshua 8:2)
  • The Lord loves you! (Alma 15:16)
  • The Lord hears your cries and has so many blessings in store for you! (Isaiah 58:6-8)
  • How can you discern God's influence? (Alma 5:40)
  • Ask God all your questions! Tell Him everything! (Moroni 10:5)
  • God didn't put you here to fail. Instead He made a way for you to succeed.
  • Heavenly Father sees you. You're His child and He knows and loves you! Never forget this! For in this simple truth lies your happiness. Because this is His plan there is always a way to be happy.
  • Heavenly Father and the Savior are the only ones whose opinion matters. (Acts 5:29)
  • The Lord can make anything possible (Jeremiah 1:19)
  • God helps you! Whatever is important to you is important to Him! He wants a relationship with you! Trust is the key! (Mosiah 29:20)

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