Friday, April 19, 2013

Our Father’s Plan, Big Enough for All his Children - A Talk I Gave

Today I was asked to give a talk based on Elder Cook’s talk, “Our Father’s Plan, Big Enough for All his Children. “ I don’t know what you think when you hear that title, but for me, I thought, “Why wouldn’t it be big enough?” So I had to really think about what he meant by that.
                Have you ever wondered what kind of impact we are on our friends, neighbors and those around us? Why is it important that we live the teachings of the gospel? What our purpose here on earth is?  Or what happens after this life? 
                Each of us has our own trials to go through and lessons to learn. Christ told his disciples, “These things I have spoken unto you, that in me ye might have peace. In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world.” Lord Tennyson in his poem “In memoriam” expressed his heartfelt sentiment after noting that ‘we trust that somehow good will be the final goal of ill’ That nothing walks with aimless feet; that not one life shall be destroyed, or cast as rubbish to the void, When God hath made the pile complete.”
                There have been many discussions about our church and has continued to increase. There has been good and negative criticism. When non members see members living righteously and living according to the teachings of the gospel, they will feel a warm and uplifting atmosphere that will make them want to know more about the church. But when members don’t live the teachings, it can be a stumbling block to those who don’t belong to the church. My mom has a friend who she has known since ninth grade and we went to visit her while we were in Idaho. While we were talking with her, we mentioned that my mom had joined the Mormon church, and her friend admitted that she didn’t trust Mormons. We asked her why, and she explained how she had some good friends that were Mormons a while back that always talked highly of their church and ended up cheating her out of a lot of money and many stolen items from her home; which were never returned or paid back. We then turned it around and told her that we’re very sorry it happened, and that not all Mormons are like that. And to this day because of our example and friendship they are still very good friends  and have great conversations. Elder Cook states, “Unlike the favorable reports on righteous members, descriptions of the Church and its doctrine have often been untrue, unfair, and harsh. It should be acknowledged that some descriptions of Christianity in general have also been very harsh. This attitude toward our doctrine does not come as a surprise. In the D&C the Lord indicated that there would be some who ‘lift up their voices and curse God’ and some ‘turn their hearts from me because of the precepts of men.’ There are many who are willing to learn about new religions with an open heart, but have been pushed away, discouraged or confused by bad examples and incorrect doctrine. But notwithstanding the significance of our doctrinal differences with other faiths, our attitude toward other churches has been to refrain from criticism. They do much good. They bless mankind. Many help their members learn of the Savior and His teachings. Just by speaking good of other churches can influence other’s opinions. A convert testified that he jumped off a city bus and walked into an LDS church building and immediately liked what he heard; especially that no one preached that people of other faiths were going to be doomed. I have a friend that I went to high school with. We talked a lot about our personal life with each other. As we continued to discuss our lives she was embarrassed to talk about some of the things she did, because she knew my standards and thought I would judge her. She got tattoos and had a different idea of what dating is than I do. As she realized I wasn’t going to judge her, she continued to tell me about experiences she had. Right before graduation, she gave me a journal that on the front cover says, “God is love.” On the front page of the journal, she wrote, “You are a talented, faithful, loving girl and I am so glad I was blessed enough to get to know you. I’ve loved getting closer to you this year and seeing a whole new side of you. The fact that you can remain strong in your faith while not being judgmental is incredible and I truly look up to you for that.” It really meant a lot to me that I could be a good example to her, hoping that maybe one day she’ll want to be a part of the gospel.  
                It is not only important that we love others outside of our church, but that we love and be kind to members of our own faith, regardless of their level of commitment or activity. Elder Cook explained that the Savior has made it clear that we are not to judge each other. This is especially true of members of our own families. Our obligation is to love and teach and never give up. I have a brother with special needs which can be sometimes very difficult and challenging. We also have a blended family of three siblings that we adopted from Russia six years ago; which has also brought new challenges and lessons to be learned in our home. As I have continued to study my scriptures and prepare for my mission to Brazil, the Holy Ghost has helped me see my family from more of an eternal perspective and what matters most. As I try to live closer to the teachings of Christ, I am able to love, help and influence the lives of many. The spirit has helped me stay calm when my siblings are causing chaos, and not all the little problems bother me as much anymore. The Savior said, “For if you keep my commandments you shall receive of his fullness, and be glorified in me.”
                Many people have a hard time accepting something new and as big as having living prophets today. Elder Cook explained that there was this young man that explained how all Europeans believed that all swans were white. It wasn’t until they discovered Australia that they found there were swans of a different color. This young man used this analogy to help explain events which have actually occurred but were not expected.  As Elder Cook thought about this, he realized that many people have refused to investigate the church seriously because they found it hard to believe personal revelation still happened today. One convert, who is now serving as a mission president, describes how difficult this was for him when he was investigating the Church. He said, “I had been taught all my life that there would never again be prophets and apostles here upon the earth. So to accept Joseph Smith as a prophet created a large stumbling block.” However, when he prayed, he states, “I received a witness that in fact the gospel had been restored to the earth and that Joseph Smith was truly a prophet of God.”
                        During Joseph Smith’s time there were many who believed that only a few would be saved, and everyone else would be doomed to endless torture. The marvelous doctrine revealed to the Prophet Joseph unveiled to us a plan of salvation that is applicable to everyone, including those who do not hear of Christ in this life, children who die before the age of accountability, and those who have no understanding. When we die, the righteous spirits live in a temporary state called paradise which is a place of peace, and no troubles. The unrighteous will live in spirit prison which is a dark place in which many fear the fury of the wrath of God, which will remain until resurrection.  Though, because of Christ’s atonement, all spirits blessed by birth will be resurrected. At the resurrection the spirit prison will deliver up its captives to Satan who have decided to not repent and return to Christ. The Savior said, “Let not your heart be troubled. In my father’s house are many mansions. I go to prepare a place for you.”  
                 The Pioneers had overcome many stumbling blocks. They had a testimony that revelation comes from heaven and that prophets and apostles are again on the earth. They had faith in the restored gospel of Jesus Christ. Their true destination was not Salt Lake Valley, but was paradise followed by exaltation in the celestial kingdom. That is why Latter-day Saints then and now sing the last verse of Come Come ye Saints with faith and expectation, “And should we die before our journey’s through; happy day! All is well! We then are free from toil and sorrow too; with the just we shall dwell!”
                We have been blessed with knowledge that we are here for a reason, and there are many blessings awaiting us; so long as we live righteously according to the teachings of the gospel. Even though this life may have many trials and tribulations, the destination is truly glorious. We need to bring this knowledge and joy to all those around us; which is a big reason why I decided to serve the Lord this upcoming May in Sao Paulo Brazil. I will be serving the Lord for 18 months and will bring the incredible blessings to many people through the power of the Holy Ghost and be an instrument in God’s hand. You don’t have to be a full time missionary to serve a mission. You can be a missionary in your own neighborhoods. Bring this joyful message to your friends, neighbors, schoolmates, and everyone around you. Be that righteous example that Christ sees in you. We are all choice children of God no matter how old or young we are; and we are all brothers and sisters; so let us all help each other return to live with Heavenly and Jesus Christ once more in the celestial Kingdom.
                As I prepared this talk, I now realize that the title of Elder Cook’s talk our Father’s Plan, Big enough for all his children, isn’t talking about size, or fitting all his children into his plan. I now understand it to mean that we are all choice sons and daughters of God and we all have the right to be a part of his plan. And that His plan with the help of the Holy Ghost is simple enough for us to comprehend its importance and have the desire to be a part of it.
                I know this is the true and everlasting Gospel that will bring to pass many great and wonderful blessings so long as we live righteously and endure till the end. Heavenly Father loves us all and wants us all to return. Not just a few selection of us, but all of us. This Plan of Salvation is meant for all his children, and I’m so grateful that he knows each and every one of us personally and is there to help us through our difficult times and helps us to learn what we need to learn from those times. I’m grateful for the atonement of Christ that I might be forgiven of my mistakes each week as I partake of the sacrament; and helps me to become more like my Savior. I know Joseph Smith is and was a true prophet and that the Book of Mormon is the word of God. I’m very excited to go and share the gospel with the people of Brazil; and I pray that I will find those who are prepared by Him to hear and accept the gospel.  I know that if we continue to live righteously, others will notice, and that could be the start of their journey to the plan of happiness. I bare these things with you in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.

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