Saturday, May 11, 2013

Happy Mother's day Mom! I LOVE YOU!

To start off my talk, I would like to read a poem I wrote,

Don't touch this, and don't touch that
Children of young age just love that
Ooh look some paint. Ooh look, a wall
Watch out parents this won't be small

Where you going? And who with?

Mom, stop crowding...his name is Biff.
Ten o'clock tonight, midnight the next
Watch out child, here comes the shot gun with dad the T-Rex

Next thing you know it's all goodbyes
College and missions, bring tears to the eyes
Where have the years gone, Hands clasp hands as then said,
Everything will be ok mom. Just hang on.

Letters are sent, as homesickness arrives
Mom sits at home watching for the mail, wondering if she'll survive
Prayers are said in hope and love
Watching the days snail on by, mom finally gets back to her life...sort of

It's time It's time, mom cries
Mom decided to give a welcome home surprise
Running in slow motion as two come together
Mother I've missed you, Child, you too.

Home for a time, but life moves on
A new life has begun, so much to get done
Being in a family that’s so big and loud
Moments alone are few and rare
But when they arrive, they are treated with care

Down on one knee a proposal is made
Down on two knees, a prayer is made
One in a tux, another in a dress and veil
With God's help, this marriage will not fail

Grandchildren have come, and it starts all over
It's a boy! His name is pronounced as Rover.
Even though she is now a grandma, one thing will never change
A mom is a mom, with a love no one can exchange

Mother I love you
Mother I do
Mother there isn’t anything I’d change about you
Happy Mothers day Mom


          Motherhood starts when she find out she has someone growing inside of her. She realizes she is now accountable for someone other than just her. At that moment when she looks  down at her firstborn folded in her arms after 9 months of anticipating, and her finger is grasped by that small and gentle hand, she knows she would do anything for that child. There may be many amazing and little miracles that brighten the day, but there are many challenges are placed their way. Maybe the child had a disability that the parents are confused how to help.  She may find herself chasing her baby across the house trying screaming not to run with scissors; or eat Elmer's Glue. She may run around franticly trying to find her toddler in a big clothing store, just to find her baby behind a clothing's rack in front of a three way mirror singing and dancing to the intercom music. She then may find herself on her knees praying for her teenager, hoping she'll make the right decisions with the dates she's going on. She'll realize that she can't leave her kids at the table by themselves doing homework, or else it will never get done.  But at the end of the day, as she tucks in her 9 month dream, no obstacles they had during the day, no fights that could have gotten in their way, could replace the love of a mother's hug and kiss goodnight.

          My mom has been a mother 19 years and 6 months.  I would have to say she's done a phenomenal job. When I was around 6 years old, I was in the backseat of the car with my parents in the front seat. As I was sitting with my sleeveless sundress I started crying. My mom looked back and asked what was wrong. I then cried, "I'm not modest!" My mom realized that I was old enough to realize modesty was important, and we went straight home and changed. When I was the age of 8, my mom told me that I needed to get a testimony of mine own that this is the true church. After much scripture study and prayer, I came to a knowledge that I knew it was the right thing to get baptized. My mom knew it was the right decision to make it my choice to join this church, and that it would start my own testimony.  When I was in 5th grade  I needed crutches since I had really bad growing pains in my knees. On our way out of the grocery store, I was in a wheel chair, and getting stuff loaded into our van. There was an impatient car that couldn't get around us, and started going up on the curb and nearly hit me. My mom grabbed my crutches and slammed it on the hood of her car. I know I can always count on my mom to watch my back. At 12 years old, I joined Young Women. At that time, my mom was a councilor in there. I was able to enjoy my first night of mutual with her. She helped me meet the girls and feel welcomed.  When she got called to another calling, I was devastated, but I knew that the Lord knew where she was needed most. When I was sixteen, my mom threw me an amazing sweet sixteen birthday party, and helped me set up my first group dates. My senior year of high school, she put up through my rebellious stage of life and forgave me for whatever mistakes I've made. She spent many hours helping me look for my prom dress and accessories. Thanks
to my mom and dad helping me study for my tests, I graduated high school. Now thanks to general conference in October of 2012, I can serve a mission. My mom has took more time out of her day than she ever has to prepare me for my mission. She is continuously looking for blouses, skirts, dresses, shoes, accessories, bathroom and daily needs, backpacks, water bottle filters, and so on. And that's just the beginning. not only are there materials I need; but there are many medical needs that need to be taken care of before I head off to Brazil. My mom has been there with me through every back doctor I've been through, and we finally found one that's really making a difference. She has guided me through every dental procedure I've gone through. I know that my mom really cares about what I go through; because whenever I'm in pain, or scared, or have something that could really impact me, she takes it into her hands to make it the best she can and make me feel better.

          As President Monson stated, "Who can measure a mother’s grief? Who can probe a mother’s love? Who can comprehend in its total the lofty role of a mother? With perfect trust in God, she walks, her hand in his, into the valley of the shadow of death that you and I might come forth unto life."

Our mother's love is a true example of the love of our Savior.

          Heavenly Father has put mothers in our lives to guide us through our trials, lift us when we're down, and laugh with us when we say the cheesiest jokes. Mothers are known as the nurturing ones. To nurture means to cultivate, care for, and make grow. Their role is to help their family grow mentally and spiritually strong along the side of her husband. Through this great responsibility and opportunity, they are then given the chance to learn how to become more like our Heavenly Parents.  I am not yet a mom, but I know by watching my mom that not everything comes easily; and sometimes it would just be easier to give up. But my mom knows how important it is to stay strong and be that example for us. She turns to the Lord in times of heart ache and trial and shows us that with the Lord's help, anything is possible. As I watch her, it makes me want to be just like her, and have a strong marriage like she does, and be the mother she is and always has been to me. I want to be there for my kids that I will one day have, like she has been there for me. I want to hug and kiss them so they'll always know I love them, as she has always done to me. I want to have a strong marriage, so that my kids will look for that same kind of marriage as my parents have shown me.

          As we look back to the story that is well known on mother's day, The two thousand stripling warriors; we recognize how big of an influence their mothers had on them.  Their mothers taught that if they did not doubt, God would deliver them. I know that God has placed us in families with mothers, so that we too might know that we have no reason to doubt. Our mothers love us, and if we do not doubt in the miracles and blessings of God, anything is possible.

          There is a little bump in the road that might push my mission date back; but I know that if I do not doubt the power of God, everything will be ok. I know I am truly blessed and I have a mom who loves me and has a strong testimony that Jesus Christ lives today, and that we do have a true and living prophet known as President Thomas S. Monson. Something she told me when I was having a hard day was a scripture that came to her mind, "be still, and know that I am God."

          I know that the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints is the true church, and that mothers are a blessing in our lives, if we just heed the teachings they give us, we will go far; for they are the examples Heavenly Father put in our lives so that we might learn how to forgive, and love even though it may not come easy. Our mothers have the closest thing to charity that we can come by. Their love for their children is like the love Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ has for us, their children and family. Our mothers put their love for us above everything else, so that we might have a happy and spiritually strong life. I will really miss my mom's home cooked meals every night, and her gentle yet firm hugs while I'm on my mission. I will miss her beautiful and warming smile I get whenever I do something good. I'll miss that loving voice when I'm lying on the couch sick as dog and can't get up, telling me she loves me, and she's right there for me. I will miss that heart whelming assurance that everything will be ok when I feel I can't go on. But I know that wherever I go, and whatever I do, my mom will always be there for me no matter how far apart we are. I love my mom, because she cares about me, even when I start heading down the wrong path. I love my mom, because she loves my dad, even if they have an argument. I love my mom, because she has supported me in every decision I've made. And I love my mom...because she is the most amazing, beautiful, supportive, spiritual, and meaningful person, who I'm so grateful Heavenly Father put in my life! I'm very grateful for my mom and everything she has done for me. She has helped me become the woman I am today. My mom cries when she sees me cry. She laughs when she hears me laugh. She gets angry when others hurt me. She cuddles with me when I feel lonely. And she tells me I'll do a great job and she has full confidence that I'll change the world...when she too is nervous about me leaving.

          Heavenly Father has a plan, and without mom's...none of it would be possible. They bring us into the world, and they make us who we are today. I know motherhood is important, and I just hope I can even come close to the woman my mother is. I know Heavenly Father is proud of her, and of you mothers who have worked hard in your families. The kids might not know how to express their gratitude for everything you have done for them, but know that they are appreciative for everything you do. Thank you to all the moms out there who have taken the time in raising us. For the patience in our rebellious stages, and for telling us you love us; because that's all we really want. Is to be loved. And mom, I just want you to know...I love you. And thank you for everything you have done for me. You will always be in my heart wherever I may be. As a song sings, " You'll be in my heart, from this day on, now and forever more." Mom, you're a winner for a lifetime.  If you have seized that one moment in time. You have been more than you thought you could be. You have lived to be the very best! You dedicated the song, "One Moment in Time." By Whitney Houston to me, because I was your first born, and I want to tell did a pretty good job. I love you mom. And I love this gospel, because it has sealed me to the best mom in the world.

And I say these things in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.