Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Institute - follow God's commandments March 11, 2014

That covenant you make with God is the qualifier, and the promise God gives you is the sanctifier. You qualify for the promise, and he sanctifies your efforts. Christ is the mediator and you can't get to the father without going through Christ. Obedience to the commandments qualifies us. They're God's laws. They're never changing. Gov laws change. 
Helamen 15:1-3, 17. 4-62
nephi 2
Mosiah 2:36-37 AFTER you have known! Went from alma 4 to anti Christ behavior - enemy of God (the natural man) 
D&C 82:2-3 precept upon precept line upon line. Don't sin at all, but when you do, stop and repent.  The more knowledge you have the more you have been given, the more accountable you are.
Article of faith 2 
I The Lord am bound when you do what i say, but when ye do not what I say, I The Lord have no promise. If you don't feel the spirit in your life, stop what you're doing and do better. Christ will be with you every step of the way 
John 14: 15-18 Baptismal covenant. Christ is telling us: Don't give up, keep trying, ill always be with you. 
Helamen 15:5, 7 it creates a desire to become better. There's not just a repentance of becoming bad to good, but also from good to better. Do you have traditions that need to be changed? The spirit will guide you. Don't try to work on ALL of your weaknesses at once, take one step at a time.  
Vs 17 IF!!!! It is YOUR choice. Christ will never give up on you!