Tuesday, November 13, 2018

Notes to Remember

    2018, abstract, art
  • Always be OBEDIENT
  • Keep on the path and keep going
  • LDS.org - The Gospel Shall Roll Forth
  • Step back from the world and assess your life with an eternal perspective 
  • Rate what you do. Is it good, better or best?
  • How well are you on your Temple Attendance?
  • Who and how can you serve?
  • Write down your goals. Write down how you can achieve them.
  • Don't wait or procrastinate
  • Take upon the name of Christ. It's like when a woman gets married and takes on the last name of her husband. She is then a representation of her husband's family name. I was watching Sabrina the Teenage Witch  and Sabrina had to go to military camp. The Leader read her last name and remembered her aunt that had attended many years go. She represented her family, but not in a good way; which, caused a bad outlook on the whole family. When you get baptized, you take upon the name of Christ. How do you represent His name? Are you a good or bad representation? Ponder on how you can better represent the name of Jesus Christ.
  • See the light in others and treat them as if the light is all you see. It'll bring more positivity in theirs and your life. Focus on the good while still recognizing the red flags without judging them. Love / Charity is the key
  • Seek to understand before being understood.
  • Serve as the Lord served