Sunday, September 1, 2019

Trust in God and His Plan

I'd like to bear my testimony on trusting God and His plan for us. Throughout my life I've been tested in this. On my mission I was sent home early. I didnt understand why He didnt just heal my health issues. But in the end I learned I needed to be sent home early as I was able to help bring multiple people into Christ. One being who married my best friend that I've known since I was 8 years old and have been married for 4 years now. (Mission story: )

When I was home from my mission...after a couple years I was prompted very strongly to move to vegas. I didnt fully understand why but I followed what I was told and moved there. 1 1/2 years later I met my husband.

My husband and I started experiencing some difficult experiences. We were prompted to move to ca where his family is. They have a trailer that they prepared for us to stay in. Was a huge blessing. We have experienced many trials that we just dont understand. We have been helped in more ways than one through members of the church, his family and mine!

We are expecting a baby in Feb 2020. Though I love and appreciate those here for us I really wanted to be near my mom, dad and family when I had the baby. I prayed so hard for a way for us to move out to florida where my family is. After a while I learned I needed to change my prayers and ask what God wanted for me. What He needed to happen.

Soon after I had a dream one night. I was back at home in florida talking to my mom. I was explaining to her that I needed to stay in California for now. The peace I received during that blessing was so strong. It was just a, "this feels good" kind of feeling. It was an overwhelming spiritually sacred peaceful feeling that overcame me. To the point that when I woke up the next morning the feeling was still with me. It just felt so right.

Later on in the day after that strong feeling started passing and I realized what just happened I started getting upset realizing what my answer was. I hoped it was just a dream; but, after praying about it and talking to others about it I realized it was an answer to my prayers.

I know He has a plan for us. I don't understand why we need to stay here except for some medical help. But I have learned throughout my life that if I trust God everything will work out for good as He only has our best interest at heart. Our Father in Heaven and our Savior Jesus Christ want us to be happy. If we are told to stay here there's a reason.
Though He has prompted us to stay here He has provided a way for me to visit my side of the family for a couple months as my sister is getting married next week. I'll get to spend some time with them in florida before the baby is born. I am very blessed that this opportunity has come.

I know my Savior lives today. I know He died and atoned for us. Because of this He is able to help me feel better and have peace during times I dont understand.

I know we are blessed through Angel's around us helping us on both sides of the veil!

I dont know what will happen in the future but I know that as we trust God we will be happy!

I say these things in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.