Sunday, March 13, 2022

Personal Study

When you record spiritual impressions, you show that you want the Holy Ghost to teach you.
After you've received Revelation and written it down, ask HF if there's anymore.


God will Do Something Unimaginable - Nov 2020 - Elder Uchtdorf

This divorce and custody battle did not catch Heavenly Father by surprise.
Though this situation is not what we wanted or expected, God has prepared you for this time.
We will endure this. Yes. But we will do more than simply grit our teeth, hold on, and wait for things to return to the old normal. We will move forward, and we will be better as a result.

He knows you. He hears your pleas. He is faithful and dependable. He will fulfill His promises. God has something unimaginable in mind for you personally. A marvelous work and a wonder.

Things might get worse before they get better. Choose how you prepare and react. Focus on the things you can do.

With Christ at the helm, things will not only be all right; they will be unimaginable.

This divorce is the Lord's work. He invites us to find His ways of doing it. It may differ from what we expect we need to do. God has revealed and will continue to reveal His almighty hand. The day will come when we will look back and know that during this time of adversity, God was helping us to find better ways—His ways. He knows what will bring us the most joy. God holds us in the palm of His caring and compassionate hands.

Stand still, with the utmost assurance, to see the salvation of God and for his arm to be revealed.” And I promise that the Lord will cause unimaginable things to come from your righteous labors.

Consistent and resilient truth - Oct 2019 - Elder Budge

“I don’t feel safe, but I am safe.” Perhaps that is how the Jaredites felt. Trusting God may not always feel safe at first, but joy follows.

He will not let you perish

Faith is the power that enables the unlikely to accomplish the impossible.

Proof He has not forsaken me in my time of trial:
- endless amounts of peace in difficult times
- endless amount of support and love from family and friends
- financial means of pursuing that which we need to
- blessings of hope
- despite feeling weak, able to endure and keep moving forward
- feelings of safety

Alma 36:3
D&C 121:7-8
The savior pleads your cause

Led forward by the spirit not knowing beforehand what you should do.
All I was told was that divorce was t the direction to go. Just like Nephi was told that getting the brass plates was the direction he needed to go. I didn't know what I needed to do to get me there. I've been down so many paths and now I'm being guided more fully as Nephi was closer to the time. We were tested to see if we would trust HF and keep pursuing the end goal despite the challenges and obstacles. Then He provided a way to make it happen. (The sword of Laban to cut off his head/ the evaluator to bring forth the truth).

If you have doubts that is quite normal. Even Nephi had doubts as he was asked to slay Laban. Just press forward obediently and with faith in the Savior. As you do so you can't go amiss. Do that which you may not understand or agree with but God has instructed. You will be blessed as Nephi was with the plates and his family.

We frequently may press forward hoping and praying—but without absolute assurance—that we are acting in accordance with God’s will. But as we honor our covenants and keep the commandments, as we strive ever more consistently to do good and to become better, we can walk with the confidence that God will guide our steps. And we can speak with the assurance that God will inspire our utterances. - just as He did during mediation.

The Revelation you recurve during this time, the light it provides, will illuminate and enlarge your soul, enlighten your understanding, and direct and protect you and your family.


what will your seeking open for you? What wisdom do you lack? What do you feel an urgent need to know or understand?


2 Nephi 4:29–33
Don't let your enemies make you angry! Don't let your trials/ afflictions weaken you - who you are / your faith. Allow God to make you stronger and happy despite your situation / through your situation. Allow Him to change you for the better because of your trials / enemies. You are brought low so that you can rise higher than you ever could before! Staying close to God allows your path to be clear even if it's during our after the fact.

felt that he had to condemn this wickedness, his heart also ached for its victims - how I feel sometimes

Jacob 2:35
Ye have broken the hearts of your tender wives, and lost the confidence of your children, because of your bad examples before them; and the sobbings of their hearts ascend up to God against you. And because of the strictness of the word of God, which cometh down against you, many hearts died, pierced with deep wounds.

live up to our high and holy calling motherhood, when we show love for God through service to our family and friends when we use our strength and talents to build faith and spread truth, we magnify our calling. Teach the word of God with all diligence.


“Let not your heart be troubled: ye believe in God, believe also in me. …
“I will not leave you comfortless: I will come to you. …
“Peace I leave with you, my peace I give unto you: not as the world giveth, give I unto you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid.”

Any man in this Church who abuses his wife, who demeans her, who insults her, who exercises unrighteous dominion over her is unworthy to hold the priesthood. … [He] is unworthy to hold a temple recommend.” Equally despicable, he said, was any form of child abuse—or any other kind of abuse.


Jacob 2:9
To enlarge my wounds

There will be times you will feel overwhelmed, inadequate. But you have access to more than your natural capacities and you do not work alone. The Lord will magnify what you say and do. All He asks is that you give your best effort and your whole heart. Your efforts will be magnified and you will know that you have seen the arm of God lifting you and those you serve (my children).


Jacob 2:31-35
I, the Lord, have seen the sorrow, and heard the mourning of the daughters of my people in the land of California, yea, and in all the lands of my people, because of the wickedness and abominations of their husbands.
And I will not suffer, saith the Lord of Hosts, that the cries of the fair daughters of this people, which I have led out of the land of California, shall come up unto me against the men of my people, saith the Lord of Hosts.
ye have done greater iniquities than the Lamanites, our brethren. Ye have broken the hearts of your tender wives, and lost the confidence of your children, because of your bad examples before them; and the sobbings of their hearts ascend up to God against you

Jacob 2:25
, I have led this people forth out of the land of California, by the power of mine arm, that I might raise up unto me a righteous branch from my children

"Looking Beyond the Mark" match 2003
consistent, faithful dedication to one’s duty or to a principle is to be much admired.
Make more of an effort with ministering