Monday, March 19, 2012

Sacrament Meeting - Repentance

Christ's resurrection and crucifiction. (Alma 11:43-44) <--Resurrection, all shall be restored to its perfect frame! This gives us hope that there's a life after. (Moroni 7:40-41) Hope through the atonement of Christ. (Mark 15:24-29) It's impossible to imagine what he truly went through! Even in your darkest times, we can have hope because of the atonement! The times that are hard, won't last forever! Death is not the end of existence!

~Sister Burmister

Divine Gift of Repentance and Eternal Life. (D&C 1:31) You shall be forgiven if you forgive! (D&C 1:33) Repentance opens the door. But if you don't repent, it closes on you. All mankind may be saved. There is ALWAYS a consequence. Suffering for our sin doesn't make anything better. Only repentance through the atonement of Christ makes things better. (Matthew 4:17) Repent, for the Kingdom of God is at hand. The savior is inviting us to come with him. Strive to change for the better. Strive to be like Christ. Don't pray for mercy, ask for more time to try to be like him. Be obedient. Be committed to the Lord. True repentance is a mighty change of heart. It's a lot more than just saying, "Sorry." (D&C 19) If you don't repent, you've wasted what Christ has done for you = atonement. If you repent, you will be filled with joy! Endure till the end!

~Brother Mayer

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