Monday, October 1, 2018

Temple of God

    The front of the Las Vegas Nevada Temple from below, with palm trees growing near the walls of the temple.
  • Where is your safe refuge from the world? Home? Temple? Church? (Home doesn't have to be where your bed it).  
  • Meditate over what you learn at church or at the temple. Then recognize the ways you can incorporate what you learn in your life.  
  • Why is the temple called the Mountain of the Lord? Mountains are higher / closer to God and isolated from the world. Mountains hold a reverence as the temple does.
  • What keeps us from renewing or getting our Temple recommend
  • How is Satan using the law of Chastity against us today in preventing us from feeling worthy?
    • By making us feel super guilty
    • Makes us feel like our actions are unforgivable
    • We don't have hope in the blessings promised us - sometimes we feel impatient in waiting for those blessings - so Satan clouds our thoughts with ways of the world and getting stuff in the here and now. 
  • Pornography - Everywhere we look and easily found
A view of the Las Vegas Nevada Temple illuminated in the evening, with an orange sky in the background and the city lights in the distance.

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