Monday, December 3, 2018

Are We Giving the Lord Our Crumbs?

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              Are we giving the Lord our crumbs? - There was this small church class of young kids. The teacher brought freshly homemade brownies. She assigned each child a role. One child got the role of Jesus. She explained that due to their role, that's the size of brownie they would get. The child who got the role of Christ got really excited as he thought he would get the biggest piece of brownie. By the time she got to him, there were only crumbs. He was very confused - he was the most important role, yet he only got crumbs.
              In the world today, we have lots of distractions and responsibilities. How often do we do everything else first, and then come to realize we only have the last little amount of ourselves to give to the Lord? We need to put the Lord first. Give him our biggest piece of brownie. If we do so, then the rest of our priorities will be set straight and we'll be able to perform all our responsibilities with the highest of strength.

              Don't wait until the end to only give the Lord your crumbs.

    Picture from here

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