Monday, December 3, 2018


  • Count your blessings even during a bad day
  • Be grateful every day. Think in an eternal perspective 
  • What are you thankful for?
I'm thankful for:
    Two Pumpkins
  1. The Gospel of Jesus Christ - The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints
  2. Jesus Christ
  3. The Atonement - being able to repent - to know I'm not alone in how I feel
  4. Heavenly Father - the relationship i have with Him, Christ and the Holy Ghost
  5. The Scriptures
  6. Temples
  7. Modern day Prophet - General Conference
  8. Patriarchal Blessings
  9. Priesthood Blessings
  10. Agency / Freedom
  11. Plan of Salvation / Happiness
  12. Brandon - A sweet boyfriend and great friend. Strong spiritual worthy priesthood holder
  13. My Family - the relationship i have with each family member - the support and love they give me - strong worthy priesthood holder as a father
  14. Essential Oils
  15.  Education
  16. My Talents - Piano, singing, dancing, writing, filming, editing, public speaking, etc.
  17. Doctors & Medicine that have helped me be mentally and physically healthy.
  18. Tithing - Financial blessings - (I had no gas, yet I made it to my appt and to the gas station. I had to pay for both title and registration of my new car. The registration was going to be around $140 but because I still had a lot of points left on my last registration it brought it down to $29!) Work opportunities.
  19. Not living in snow
  20. Food
  21. Clothes that fit
  22. A gym to work out in
  23. cell phones
  24. a roof over my head
  25. Friends
  26. Trials that have made me who I am today
  27. Computers - programs
  28. Cameras
  29. Social Media
  30. Music

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