Monday, December 3, 2018


  • How would you respond to someone who says there's no miracles in the world today? 
    • First of all, as the scriptures say, God is the same yesterday, today and forever. 
    See the source image
  • What is your definition of a miracle? What / who do you believe God is?
  • 2 Nephi 27:23 - Ether 12:12 - If you don't believe miracles can happen, then if a miracle happens, you'll be too blind to see it.
  • Mormon 9:9, 18-20 - you have to believe
  • 3 Nephi 17:5-9 - faith is the key - Is your faith sufficient? Would He not feel the same for you? We have afflictions - things that we struggle with: anxiety / depression, pornography, cancer, etc. He can perceive that you want these miracles too. He wants to give them to you; but, you need to have that same desire and faith.
  • "A God of Miracles" - Ensign May 2001, 12 - We can all bear witness of small miracles in our lives. 
  • He wants us to have miracles in our lives!
  • Pray specifically for miracles
  • There's no reason for you to doubt. Believe!
  • Please comment a small miracle that you have witnessed in your life

Picture from here

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