Tuesday, September 4, 2018

Fast and Testimony Sunday

           This past Sunday in church, people in the congregation went up onto the podium and bore their testimonies on the Gospel. Here are some pointers that stood out to me.
  • Heavenly Father knows our goals and desires
  • The Lord will always be there for you!
  • Keep missionary work a priority
  • Did you worry the Lord? Did you give Him reason to worry? Heavenly Father wants you to turn to Him with your burdens and worries along with the good. 
  • Even if we don't understand everything, it doesn't change the fact that what we knew was true before - it remains true today.
  • The lord will multiply everything you don't have. If not now, then in the eternities! (Matt 19:27,29)
  • "Tough Times Never Last but Tough People Do"
  • Everyone has struggles and trials - it's up to us to overcome them and helps others overcome them. 
  • The atonement allows us to change for the better and experience a change of heart.
  • If you're struggling, know that you're not alone - that you have someone behind you at all times.
  • If we keep an eternal perspective, we'll be able to make it through this mortal experience
  • Our self worth is priceless! If Christ would suffer all that for you, that shows your worth!
  • Heavenly Father is patiently waiting for you. Though we may play the "not yet" game, He's still there for you.  

Picture from here

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