Tuesday, September 4, 2018

Gospel Doctrine - The Prophet JOB

           God is praising Job to Satan. Satan claims it's he's always amazing because of all the things he owns and all the family he has. (Job 1:2-3). So God said okay and took away all of that (Job1:13-21). Yet in the end, he STILL praises God. Satan said, “Well, it's cause he still has good health.” So God took away his health (Job 2:7-9). Yet Job STILL praised God. By this point his wife turns to him and practically tells him to curse God and die. Job turned to his wife and basically exclaimed that God could kill him and he'd STILL praise God. What do you need to do to gain such a strong testimony and love of / for God?
           “I am God. I have great power. If you trust in me, I can take care of you. (Job 38:2-3) Suck it up and have trust and faith in God. Endure with Faith. (1 Kings 2:2)
           Job's mission was to endure with faith and to be an example – to have and keep faith. Who do you look up to? Do you feel that because of their example you're given strength in your times of trial? We are meant to see their example and apply it in our own lives. The ultimate goal is for us to be like Christ. Sometimes we may be overwhelmed with how much we need to change to be like Him. We are given people in our lives that are a great example (those whom we look up to) – in which have attributes that are achievable. So we are given opportunities to become more like Christ through the examples of those around us in a less intimidating way. One step at a time.
           Just as someone might be this example for you, you can be the same for someone else. You can bless people without talking or addressing someone. Be an example in word and conversation. Have charity (pure love of Christ – service). Be an example in Spirit (kindness, forgiveness and goodwill). Be an example of faith (Trust in God's word). Stand out from the crowd! We cam be better examples! It's tough to be an example during trials; but, that's when eyes are most on us.
           We can get through trials because of HOPE! Sometimes hope is all we have. Is it enough for you? If nothing else, have hope in the atonement. Job suffered a lot; but, he didn't suffer everything. Christ suffered everything so we wouldn't have to.
           Light heartedness (cheerful, positive attitude) is good. Light mindness (Taking lightly the commandments or that which is important) is bad. Faith and doubt cannot exist in the same mind at the same time. One will overpower the other. Our minds should be filled with uplifting things and people.
           A young lady who had cancer and was going through chemo attended church every Sunday. Everyone was confused on why she either didn't stay home or at the hospital to rest. Her reply astounded and made a huge impact on me, “I know my life is in the Lord's hands, so I'm going to do everything in my power to show my faith and trust in Him.”

Picture from here

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