Sunday, September 16, 2018

Religious Freedom - Institute

Let your religious view dictate your political views as you take it to prayer. 
The Book of Mormon teaches how to be a free people.
When you want to protect your religious beliefs follow FREE:
Find common ground
Respectfully listen to the other party
Express your own opinion
Exit where both parties have learned something

Elder Robert Hales seminaries and institute teaches and doctrines of Book of Mormon. Defending religious freedom. Background reading:
1.       Freedom to believe – No one should be criticized, persecuted or attacked by individuals or governments either for what he / she believes about God.
2.       Freedom to share our faith and beliefs with others – The Lord commands us, “Go ye into the world and preach the Gospel to every creature.” It’s our freedom and our duty.
3.       Freedom to form a religious organization – A church…to worship peacefully with others.
4.       Freedom to live our faith – Free to exercise our faith – not just in the home and chapel but also in public places.

The war for free agency is still going on! Russia, China and many other places don’t want free thinking!
The Lord commands us to not only pray properly but also to go forth and “let our light so shine before men that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in Heaven.” (Matthew 5:16)

Some are offended when we bring our religion into the public square yet the same people who insist that their viewpoints and actions be tolerated in society are often very slow to give them that same tolerance to religious believers.

Don’t be afraid to advocate what you believe in!

D&C 134:1-2 – You can’t live in a free country if you don’t respect the ability to share your beliefs.
We all have to be involved! Not only vote for people that live these ways but you have to go out and support them. It will be a fight. Don’t fall back and say the Lord would never let this happen. The Lord will let it happen if you let it happen.

In a marriage you’ll learn to compromise. Peace is importance. Politics is kind of like religion. If you’re not on the same page, it’s going to cause more stress and trials.

People who want power go after the church. Why? Misery wants company – they’re unhappy. 11th article of faith – Freedom of religion. Work together. “Defend religious freedom in any way you can,“ – Quentin L. Cook. Defend the beliefs of your neighbor, even if they don’t agree with your own.

Dallin H. Oaks – Truthand Tolerance – BYU talk – Absolute truths – Principle that’s truth forever. Unchanging. When truth changes, that’s called moral relativism – mortal (man) standards change. That certain commandments don’t apply to you. There’s truth and there’s your opinion. Christ teaches what truth is. Christ is truth. If you study His life and the words of the prophets you’ll know what truth is. Our society is always changing. Life is becoming more relativism (I.E – sexual behavior outside of marriage).

Tolerate others beliefs – let them have their agency. Accept and love but don’t force. Tolerate doesn’t mean you’re supporting them. Remember FREE. We’re all brothers and sisters under God. Don’t run away or argue when someone believes and lives differently than you. Even if someone starts arguing with you, think, “Would Christ argue with them?” You can listen.

Water, Summer, Outdoors, Sea, Relaxation, Calm, CasualWe all fight for the same cause. All men are created equal under God. Don’t focus on diversity focus on unity. Focus on something you agree on. Build on that. It can be peaceful or it can be argumental and not get anywhere. We can’t abandon our truths and covenants that we’ve made. Explain why you feel a certain way. Be honest. Don’t abandon the moment things get rough. Don’t condemn their beliefs. Speak on principles rather than on personalities. – (One of the first searches on the web when you’ve searched religious freedoms). Why Religious Freedoms Matter – What’s at Risk? There are many risks that may / will happen sometime in your life. Don’t let anyone bully you to do something you don’t believe. Stand firm in your beliefs. Even if it has a huge consequence. Trust that by doing what God wants you to do, you’ll be blessed. With school a parent could ask, “What did you learn at school?......Ok, now what do we believe? How does this relate to what we believe?”

There’s a difference between being in the world and of the world. There’s a difference between that and alienating the world.

1.       Study up on the issues – Be aware of our rights.
2.       Speak up with courage and civility.
3.       Get involved in the political process.
4.       Get to know people of other faiths.
5.       Volunteer for a charity – serve – get to know your neighbors.
6.       Get involved in education – PTA, etc.
7.       Be part of a club, business group, or professional association.
8.       Extend the reach of your faith – corporation between church groups and community organizations help build mutual trust and focuses resources on helping those in need.
9.      Make it a family matter and a matter of prayer – take your kids to a speech or conference on religious freedom. Pray that your freedoms will be preserved. Pray as you can understand what you need to know and do.
10.   Enlarge your voice through social media – blog, write an o-ped, or submita letter to the editor.

Be an educated voter. Your vote counts! Don’t focus on the cultural war.

Taught by Brother and Sister Hire and David Wray

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