Tuesday, September 4, 2018

Prophets - Prepare for General Conference

  •  Today's Prophet is President Russel M. Nelson (17th / Current Prophet) of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints.
  • We as children of God can receive direct communication from our Heavenly Father (personal revelation). The Prophet (President of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints) receives direct communication about the church as a whole. 
  • Each prophet is the prophet during the time that they are called for a reason. What each prophet is able to offer is for the specific time he is called. It's what / who we need at the specific time.
  • There's a reason why each person is / was called as a prophet. 
  • We should be proud of who we are and be proud to be different. Don't be scared to be criticized for what you believe in because it's true. Stand tall! If Joseph Smith would have backed down because he was scared of being criticized the church wouldn't have been able to be restored through him.
  • It's not a democracy - we don't vote on who will be the next prophet. It's all through order and revelation. Yes we sustain - but we don't vote.
  • Trust in God - not in the arm of flesh. Trust God that he'll call the prophet that we need today and whom will lead us in righteousness. If concerned, pray and ask.
  • When we have the opportunity to sustain the prophet, we're given the chance to show our faith and testimony that he is called of God to be the prophet - which gives the Holy Ghost the opening to testify to you of it's truth. 
  • You don't need to follow by blind faith. Ask God in prayer to be guided to the truth. 
  • Trust and walk in faith.
  • We have the chance to listen to the Prophet and apostles October 6 & 7, 2018. how can we prepare for that? 
    • Prepare your schedule to listen
    • Attend the temple with a question in mind.
    • Write down 3 questions.
    • Listen for that revelation and with an open heart & mind.
    • If you don't have a question ask, "What lack I yet?" and address it with a humble heart. 
  • Will you be able to say that you...
    • Listened to him?
    • Believed him?
    • Studied his words with patience and faith?
    • Prayed for him?
    • Are humble to enough to follow him?
    • Loved him?
Picture from here

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