Thursday, May 8, 2014

April 1 2014-institute

 _____ makes me really happy. Fill in the blank. 4th nephi 1:16 (what makes them really happy? They were one with Christ, giving them pure joy. The love of God dwelt in their hearts. Vs 1-2 Vs 2-5, 7, 10-13, 15-18When we have a covenant people, we're getting closer to a perfected and righteous people. Keeping the covenants can bring us joy, even in hard times. Have you receive His image in your countenance? When you're living the way you should, you'll always be happy. Make goals, then do what you can to reach them one at a time. Vs 20 - revolted against the church. Powerful. Didn't just drift away. Help people, address their struggles when they're beginning before they Explode. Don't turn against each other and the church. When you do, destruction follows. 2 nephi 28:20 -1 - vision of our day. Satan uses each of us to turn against each other. It's the simple little things that he uses against us. He makes us comfortable with where we at, not wanting progression, which will eventually lead to digression. It rages on in the heart. (George Albert smith, improvement era may 1935 pg 278)Are you choosing the uplifting or digressing side? There is no middle line. Experiment with righteousness.

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