Thursday, May 8, 2014

March 25 2014 - institute

3 nephi 11 vs 17Teaches basics one day, other time is more in depthThe beatitudes are guidelines for obtaining happiness. 12:13 the salt of the earth-salt preserves. Help and love others in a no judgmental way. Feast after righteousness. 12:14-1613:21,2215:1218:16, 24-29Matt 5:16Light- put yourselves out there. God expects us to be the light. Not that you can be, but that you are. Without you, they have no light. By being his disciple you are a light, and by bring a light you are his disciple.  The atonement applies differently than it applies to you, but that doesn't mean we can't help others come closer to Christ. Put yourself in their shoes. 3 nephi 19-24 no man can serve two masters. Don't justify! Font over analyze. Sometimes we over think the don't judge people to the not judging the sin. You can't wear the worlds Jersey them suit up when church time rolls around. There are individuals who try to serve The Lord without offending the devil. Good, vs better, vs best! There's a difference between busy and productive. BeingUnderSatan's Yolk13:114:2115:1, 9-1018:6, 10-12, 3327:22Hear and do. Endure! D&c 58:26+Christ is out advocate with the father - 3 nephi 19:15-23.   D&c 45:3-5. What gift / talent have you been given, and how can you use that this week to help others? 3 nephi 27You can't learn more without asking. Ask and it shall be given unto you.Write down what you learn. Write down promptings of the spirit no matter what situation you're in. Write it down or you might forget. Do you want to make God happy? Alma 41:10"Do these things that ye have seen me do" ~Christ

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