Thursday, May 8, 2014

March 18 2014-institute

3 nephi 1 stay optimistic. Ground yourself on commandments and standards. Think about the eternal perspective. Vs 8 no doubt, font give up. The people who do not believe are making fun of them. If they say the sign needs to happen by this date or you will be killed, what would you do? How much faith do you have in God? You can pray to God to help you have the faith needed. You should try to do do your best because you WANT to be like Christ. It's your choice to choose how to look at the lesson being taught. Vs 11-14 God wants us to believe and trust in God. God doesn't want us to fear or be sad, he's telling us to be happy and promises what he says will happen, will happen. God is showing his tender mercy. Fear not, be of good cheer. 2 nephi 31:20-21 do this and ye shall have eternal life. Doctrine of Christ - doctrine if the Father- of eternal life. Submit your will to God. Be one with God. 3 nephi 1:22as soon as its given satan works his hardest to ruin it. Vs23 - many others!! Vs24 others want to get ahead of the prophet. They're close to being right. They pulled the trigger too quick. Look back to your intent. 3 nephi 8 heading many people died through various options of destruction. Vs2 time frame. Year it ended. Vs 19- 3 hours, some say more. Darkness! 1.Christ died 2.The earth groaned 3. 3 hours of destruction 4. 3 days of darkness vs 20-215. Ch 9 Christ 1st XVs14 -16, 19-21 NOW the law of Moses has been fulfilled. Have faith and repent. Come home- come back to me - change your ways. An invitation no matter where you are in life. 6. 10:1 silence Vs 9 finished. Vs 18 Mormon's commentary / he's speaking. Cleaning up and building up started to occur. 11:1  gathered at the temple for a specific feast. Compare to the Passover. The law of Moses is not just the Ten Commandments. Aaronic and melchezidik law. The Passover is when the temple laws were given (A&M). Afterwards is the Pentecost. That's what they're doing in bountiful at the temple. (Acts 1- stayed after resurrection and taught for 40 days. )Custom to go to the temple. Vs 3 did not understand the voice the first time. 4-5Ch 11- Look at howChrist introduces himself and how he reacts to the people at the temple, and what he teaches the peopleCh 17- sends them home, tell families, come back the next day. 

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