Sunday, May 18, 2014

Sacrament meeting- honesty and integrity 5/18/14

Close-up of Tree Against SkyExodus 12:15-16
When you are honest you feel strength of character, and peace of mind. You will be trusted by The Lord. Dishonesty harms you and others as well. If you lie, steak, shoplift or cheat, you damage your relationship with others. Do not rationalize that being dishonest is acceptable. Think and do what is right at all times no matter what the consequence is; love by your standards, even when no one is watching, live in harmony with the gospel = integrity. Now ask yourself, am I honest in EVERYTHING I do and say EVERYWHERE I am? Mosiah 3:19 always listen to the Holy Ghost, and he will guide you and give you strength in times of hardship. Honesty and integrity go hand in hand. Do what is right, let the consequence follow. No test= no testimony. Do what is right no matter what the outcome is. Look for the good in the bad. Do what is right, honesty n integrity, no matter what the consequence is. If not, you are only cheating yourself! Hymn 237 - do what is right. Angels above are silently note taking, so do what is right. You might be able to fool those around you, but you can't fool Heavenly Father! If you do what is right, no matter what the consequence is, Heavenly Father will bless you and you will be able to help others. 

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