Thursday, May 8, 2014

April 15 2014- institute

Mormon 1-3Mormon is a righteous army captain. He got the records when he was ten. 3 nephi 5:13Mormon 1:1-5 be quick to observe. Isaiah 42:20. You must observe. Obey D&C 54:6 hear, look/see/notice, feel, obey/apply, keep, rememberYou should always have dignity and humility when you pray. Will you sit when you communicate with your Heavenly Father? Ponder what gifts if the spirit you have and how you can use it to help others. Pray to have the power of discernment. Spiritual gifts can be learned and be trained. Perceive/ask. Don't give up when times get rough, endure to the end; you could influence others. The more you respond to promptings of the spirit, the more God will trust you with them, so the more you will get. Opposition will come as you work harder on your spiritual gifts, but as you endure and stick to the righteous decisions, the stronger you will become and the closer to God you will become. 'August 2013 ensign - sarcasm' vs being sober. Mormon 2:195:1 - don't give up. Have the intent to help. Allow the atonement to continually help and purify and change you. 8:36Mormon's life was really really hard. What's your happy place? That you can just let the world crumble around you and you can just fell more at peace. Mine is the piano. What spiritual gift /talent do you feel you have been given? How can you train that gift? 5:1 it's good to humble yourself and recognize what you did wrong; but don't beat yourself up for it. 

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