Thursday, May 8, 2014

April 2 2014- institute

Luke 10:25-29 tempted - trying to trick him. Love God, and thy neighbor. If you can keep these two, you've got it. Vs 29- justifying. Who is my neighbor? Looking for a loop hole. Vs 30Christ tells the story about the Good Samaritan. First observe then serve. Came and saw; compassion; went to him; found wounds; oil and wine; own beast; took to inn; cared for him; paid for him; employed someone to watch over him; went the full extent. Compare these qualities of the Good Samaritan to Christ. Everyone is your neighbor. Even your enemies.  Vs 36-37Lost thingsLuke 15:1 tax collectors and sinners. 2 Pharisees and scribesChrist is socializing with sinners tells parables: 3-4 sheep are dumb and wander off. Easily distracted. 5-7 rejoice and joy Isaiah 53:6Luke 15:8 woman= church. Coin = member of the church. A coin can't just walk away. Carelessness. 9-10 rejoicing and joyProdigal son: who would you call prodigal in this story: 11-12 you don't get inheritance until father dies. Son basically saying you're already dead to me. I just want your money. 13 blows it all off. Willfully rebelling. 14-15 pig-unclean. Not only works with them, but practically lives with them. Lowest you can get. Like eating out of the garbage. 16-17 he came to himself. Willing to go as a servant back home. 18-20 - forgiving, compassionate, has been watching for him. Didn't  go searching for him. Be patient and wait. 21-24 rejoicing and joy25-28 no joy. He's ticked. But dad comes out to him and talks with him. 29-30 me vs him disowning his brother. 31-32 he forgot. He lacked compassion and mercy. This is not a rivalry returning; it is his brother. It was one that was lost, and now was found. Break out of the prison of yourself. Push away the green monster of jealousy. Vs 20 father had compassion, which is: Understand and love, sympathy and empathy, happy for others success, what can I do, how can I helpJude 1:20-25 talking to us. Make a difference. Changes our view. Compassion is good for all of us. Look at the father as the prodigal. Our Heavenly Father is prodigal with us. Most caring, the most lavishing. Has much compassion. 

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