Thursday, May 15, 2014

Mother's Day church meetings 5/11/14

Sacrament meeting:Successful mothers are not without struggles. Successful mothers are those who endure and work through the trials. One cannot remember God and forget mom. One cannot remember mom and forget God. Respect, honor, serve and love your mom! Especially today on Mother's Day. The call to nurture is not limited to our flesh and blood. Do you men, you fathers have respect, reverence and love for mothers? The best thing you can do for your children is love your wife. Motherhood is a holy calling. Turn to The Lord in faith and you will know what to do and how to do it. Don't turn to substance abuse.

Sunday school:How you feel and think about yourself affects the way you react with others. When others are not being nice to you, don't go back at them, or drop them as a friend. "Kill them with kindness" why do we keep God's commandments?  mosiah 2:22. Because we love God and we seek the promised blessings. Real obedience - our will being set aside and allowing God's will to become our own. 

Relief Society:It doesn't matter how many times you read the Book of Mormon, you haven't read it enough. You can always get something new out of it. Moroni 10:3-5. The bible and the Book of Mormon go hand in hand. Ezekiel 37:16. They are one in our hand. God loves all of his children. In the mouth of two or three witnesses all truth is established. Abinidi quoted Isaiah to back him up as a second witness to whet he was saying. You can read, ponder and study the Book of Mormon, but unless you have real intent it won't mean a thing. God tells you what you need to know when you need to hear it. The Lord speaks to us in different ways; it's just like a parent knows the way they need to talk to each of their children in different ways, that's how God is with us. 

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