Thursday, May 8, 2014

April 8 2014 - institute

Some topics from GC- gratitude, be of good courage, purify NOW, obedience, love one another, be an example, live one life, 2nd coming prep, etc. What are you going to do because of an impression you received during GC (general conference)? How are you going to measure what the spirit has implied for you to do? What is the blessing you would like to receive from doing this? / what do you hope to achieve? HG-->act-->measure-->achievement/goal Reflect on it, then turn to The Lord and ask if you're doing it right / if you're going about it the right way. Create a schedule, and stick to it. Involve others- have them follow up. Set up a visual symbol to remind I.e - image (pic), music, parable, vs/phrase/words from a scripture, jewelry/outfit/trinket, bookmarks, etc. listen after you talk in your prayers. Notice how you feel and what you think. Stop and listen. LISTEN!

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