- Use the technology to flood the Earth with testimonies of the restored gospel. Be online missionaries. We are disciples and our message should be authentic and honest and true. If you are not up to date with the social media - you will fall behind! Be courageous and bold, but do not fight, argue or insult! will what others see reflect really who you are as a member of the Church of Jesus Christ? Teach the gospel! For every post you see, 54,000 people will see that post! INVITE people! (D&C 78) God will lead us if we let him. (Enoch 7) truth will come! Flood the Earth with truth!
- Put your own interests aside for a greater cause. Set aside your fears to bring happiness and joy to others.
- Peter, apostle of Christ - Diamond in the Ruff. Are we teachable? The gospel isn't difficult - we make it difficult. Study! Search! Don't give up even with your faults! Be a peacemaker and forgiver. Be willing to sacrifice. Obtain patience! A principal is something we don't just learn in one Sunday school lesson, or one service. IT takes time. our religion is not a secondhand religion - practice what you preach! You don't have to be perfect to start! This is a journey that you can start now, no matter how old or young or whatever situation you are in. I'm trying to be like Jesus in ALL that I do and say. We all need to become dedicated in disciples of Christ.
- Doubt not, and ye shall know. The gospel of Jesus Christ changes hearts! Faith proceeds miracles! We are accountable to Heavenly Father with what we do with our life!
- Do you take your temple recommend for granted? How willing are you to drop everything you're doing to go help someone without hesitation? Serve someone else each day! We can perform simple acts of service each day! As ye serve others, ye serve Christ.
- Am I a disciple of Christ? Sacrifice ourselves to serve our fellow men (Matt 25) how often are you going to the temple? Stop coming up with excuses! (D&C 138) go to the temple at least once a month! For those who are physically unable to attend, receive a temple recommend and tell yourself, "If I could, I would." Be a worthy temple recommend holder. It will be a sacrifice, but will be a way to show you will follow Christ. Keep an eye single to the Glory of God.
Quotes from church leaders, scriptures and personal thoughts. Click "Follow" to stay updated!
Sunday, September 14, 2014
South Stake Conference Sept 14, 2014 - Sundsay Family session
South Stake Conference Sept 13, 2014 - Saturday Adult session
- We are asked to share the gospel through all of God's leaders - Just open your mouths! The Lord may have already prepared the person you're talking to. Pray and ask for a missionary experience. Prayer takes faith, and faith requires action. Missionaries - full time teachers. Us - full time finders. We should not ask the missionaries to do our work. Ask the Lord for the gift of discernment, wisdom and promise to do your part to share the Gospel by opening your mouth. You can pray all day and ask for help and don't do anything about it, God is limited in helping you.
- Alma 56 - 2,000 Stripling warriors. Who can you cause such great joy and hope to? What could you be doing better to serve your mission? We need to help those "to-be" missionaries! Think of your home as a pre-MTC. The most important preparatory is spiritually, but emotionally and practically is important too! Teach your children to stand on their own two feet - Independence - they need to know how to live on their own and live well - healthy - smart, etc. SLEEP IS IMPORTANT! Teach them how to work out problems! How to get along with other people. They'll be with a companion 24/7. So much to learn! (2 Nephi 2:11) Teach your children to do tough things! (Mosiah 26) children of Mosiah were hardened for they could not understand the teachings of King Benjamen. TEACH THE GOSPEL! Children need to see you praying and reading the scriptures! Get out For the Strength of Youth pamphlet and read it with your children! USE PREACH MY GOSPEL! It is inspired by God. The women of the Church are God's secret weapon.
- We are members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints - but there's so much more! We have hands and hearts we can touch! Now is the time! Get up and go! Cleave unto Christ (December 1974 Ensign) Vital we serve! (D&C 81:5) succor weak, etc. Service can be as simple as a smile. For by the small and simple things are great things brought to pass. Have you ever wondered what you would have done if you were to have lived in the time of Christ? You were sent in this dispensation of time because of who YOU are! Declare in word and deed! "Behold I am a disciple of Christ!" WWJD! We ARE disciples! You have something to give, now are you willing to give it? Stay true to your covenants - promises we make to each other and to god. Serve and love like the Savior! Are you treating your friends better than your family? Through your trials, you can become who and what God wants you to be. (Matt 11:28-31)
- Mormonism is the fastest growing religion in American History! Let God's kingdom fill the whole Earth! Hasten - Cause something to happen faster than it would. Immerse ourselves in
loving and serving others! Too often in life we are in a hurry - we need to slow down! God puts people in our lives we can effect! Keep track of invitations you give - how many no's can you get? Don't think of no's as failures; think of them as success in trying! We work together in faith, love and unity! We have the compasity to do more than we think we can! (Alma 37:37) ALL! We HAVE to act on our faith! The Lord stands ready to bless us!
- Power of the Book of Mormon - "Scripture Power" - Primary Song. Scriptural power is priesthood power. The power of the Book of Mormon (BOM) will keep us safe. There are three things that Satan likes to use against us: Doubt, Contention and Temptation. Doubt - removes light from our lives. 1 Nephi 8. Read from the BOM everyday, and doubt will flee from your mind. Contention - Read the BOM together as parents by yourselves and as a family daily and it will bring peace to the family. The BOM is the most correct book than any other book on Earth. Ask God if these things are NOT true, and I promise that you WILL recieve an answer by the power of the Holy Ghost! Scripture power keeps me safe from sin!
Sunday, May 18, 2014
Sacrament meeting- honesty and integrity 5/18/14
![Close-up of Tree Against Sky](https://images.pexels.com/photos/255441/pexels-photo-255441.jpeg?auto=compress&cs=tinysrgb&h=650&w=940)
When you are honest you feel strength of character, and peace of mind. You will be trusted by The Lord. Dishonesty harms you and others as well. If you lie, steak, shoplift or cheat, you damage your relationship with others. Do not rationalize that being dishonest is acceptable. Think and do what is right at all times no matter what the consequence is; love by your standards, even when no one is watching, live in harmony with the gospel = integrity. Now ask yourself, am I honest in EVERYTHING I do and say EVERYWHERE I am? Mosiah 3:19 always listen to the Holy Ghost, and he will guide you and give you strength in times of hardship. Honesty and integrity go hand in hand. Do what is right, let the consequence follow. No test= no testimony. Do what is right no matter what the outcome is. Look for the good in the bad. Do what is right, honesty n integrity, no matter what the consequence is. If not, you are only cheating yourself! Hymn 237 - do what is right. Angels above are silently note taking, so do what is right. You might be able to fool those around you, but you can't fool Heavenly Father! If you do what is right, no matter what the consequence is, Heavenly Father will bless you and you will be able to help others.
Fireside with elder Christopherson May 17, 2014
Sister susie bailey-Hellman 5:12 when Christ is your foundation, you can get through anything.
Alma 32:37If you put the important things first, you will be blessed.
Elder rasband- 3 nephi 11:15 the savior took time with every one.
17:9 Not just the dick n the blind- but afflicted in any manner. He healed ALL of them.
21 - one by one.
25- size of multitude was mentioned= 2, 500 souls, and he still took time one on one with them. When Christ comes again, he'll minister unto you, and unto me, one by one. God knows us each, one by one.
Elder D. Todd christopherson- some people say they don't need a religion; for their a spiritual person, but don't need an organized religion. Well, apparently Christ thinks you need one; for he created one when he was on the earth. That's pretty selfish when you say you don't need religion. The Lord will provide what you cannot. Our God is a God of high expectations. God does love us as we are, but he wants us to progress; have all he has n be as happy as he is. So, he gives us commandments which are the ladder to climb closer to him.They're there to build your freedom. He loves you, yes; so you need to be better. It's better to be trusted than to be loved. We're all loved by God, which is wonderful! But, while he loves us all, how many of us can he trust? Count on to do his work? To turn to him n seek n do his will? This is the essence of discipleship. You can repent! Change now! Be a true disciple of Jesus Christ now! Forgiving is a way of lightening our load; sometimes a heavy burden we didn't know we were carrying. Don't ever think you're beyond redemption; one that God can't repair. You can! Everyone can change for the better, no matter what's happened in the past. High expectations, and wants to help us reach them. When you pray, you're no stranger. He knows you so perfectly well. And if you could see him right now, you'd know him perfectly well; for you lived with him for a while. So pray earnestly and frequently. No one need doubt. Look to him, and live your life according to His hopes and desires for you. Make it your wish to do his will. That's where you'll fulfill your mission. Don't be afraid to turn your life over to Heavenly Father. He directs this church = The Church Of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints.
Thursday, May 15, 2014
Institute 9 doctrines of the gospel 5/13/14
Act in doctrine - elder bednard - book he wrote.
There are 9 basic doctrines of the church that we MUST know: 1.Godhead, 2. plan of salvation, 3. atonement, 4. apostasy / restoration, 5. prophets/revelation, 6. priesthood/priesthood keys, 7. ordinances/ covenants, 8. marriage/family, 9. commandments / obedience.
Mother's Day church meetings 5/11/14
Sacrament meeting:Successful mothers are not without struggles. Successful mothers are those who endure and work through the trials. One cannot remember God and forget mom. One cannot remember mom and forget God. Respect, honor, serve and love your mom! Especially today on Mother's Day. The call to nurture is not limited to our flesh and blood. Do you men, you fathers have respect, reverence and love for mothers? The best thing you can do for your children is love your wife. Motherhood is a holy calling. Turn to The Lord in faith and you will know what to do and how to do it. Don't turn to substance abuse.
Sunday school:How you feel and think about yourself affects the way you react with others. When others are not being nice to you, don't go back at them, or drop them as a friend. "Kill them with kindness" why do we keep God's commandments? mosiah 2:22. Because we love God and we seek the promised blessings. Real obedience - our will being set aside and allowing God's will to become our own.
Relief Society:It doesn't matter how many times you read the Book of Mormon, you haven't read it enough. You can always get something new out of it. Moroni 10:3-5. The bible and the Book of Mormon go hand in hand. Ezekiel 37:16. They are one in our hand. God loves all of his children. In the mouth of two or three witnesses all truth is established. Abinidi quoted Isaiah to back him up as a second witness to whet he was saying. You can read, ponder and study the Book of Mormon, but unless you have real intent it won't mean a thing. God tells you what you need to know when you need to hear it. The Lord speaks to us in different ways; it's just like a parent knows the way they need to talk to each of their children in different ways, that's how God is with us.
Women conference 3/29/14
Primary general president - sister wixom - We walk on God's light. Life up thy head and rejoice, and cleave unto the covenants.
Sister ocarson - dont compare yourself to others. Luke 1 Work together.
Sister burton - Relief Society General president - lay aside the things of the world, cleave into Christ. Move forward along the covenant path. Allow God to help you. Read your scriptures, pray continuously, attend church, and church activities. Use your gifts and talents to be a disciple of Christ. What does it mean to you to be a disciple of Jesus Christ? Christ sends out a 'Help Wanted'. Listen to the promptings of the Holy Ghost. Help find those who have lost their way. "Here am I. Send me!" Offer your willing hearts and helping hands.
Pres. Eyering - nurture others for Christ. The price has been paid (atonement) how are you going to act now?
March 16, 2014 - sacrament meeting
Friends - Matt 25:40Everyone needs good friends. They will help is become a better person, and will help us live the gospel- will help you live higher standards. To have good friends, you need to be a good friend. Refrain from judging and criticizing n bullying. Make an effort to those who are shy, have special needs or do not feel included. Stand up for them, even if you may stand alone.
Make a friend of your Heavenly Father. His wisdom never fails.Make a friend of your bishop. He's been called of God by prophecy, by the laying on of hands. Get to know your bishop. He's entitled to giving you counsel and guidance.
John 15:14-15 ye are my friends, not servants. Real friends, share the gospel. Living and loving it.
D&c 84:87. We become his friend, as we serve others for him. Others happiness is His happiness. He feels everyone's feelings.
Mosiah 18:8
"I'm trying to be like Jesus." Lyrics. Love one another as Jesus loves you Learning to serve my friends Try to show kindness in all that you do
Scriptures and the Holy Ghost-Joshua 1:5 God will not abandon you. Have faith. Come to the scriptures with questions, and God will put thoughts in our heads that we have never thought before or have forgotten. Through the Book of Mormon, The Lord can teach us about serving people. Don't let your busy schedule crowd out scripture study. You can control when you get up and when you go to sleep. It is by faith that we over obstacles.John 14:26 listen to the still small voice.
Thursday, May 8, 2014
May 6 2014 - institute
Moroni 1:1 vs Mormon 8Didn't plan on writing more, but did. Moroni 1:2 any believer, they'll kill. He won't deny the Christ. 3 - genocide. Not only are they killing off the nephites, but they're killing off themselves too. Love of bloodshed - they just could not be content. Vs 3 - I can. Optimistic. 4- I'm still gonna write for their benefit. How can you relate these verses to your day? My friends sometimes betray me, but I still try to be the example and be nice hoping it will effect them. Also, I feel that many are trying to tare our beliefs down with no mercy; yet we still put forth out faith and example, even through blogs or fb etc. hoping to reach out to someone. We have work to do, don't let someone make you back down. Be proactive on the gospel. Everyday satan tempts us to deny Christ. Sometimes we become lamanites when we deny Christ, but we can repent because of the atonement, become a nephite. Am I a nephite or a lamanite today? Sometimes you may loose friends because they want you to "deny Christ" while you're with them. Faith, hope, charity = pure love of Christ, patience, the solution to get through a trial, parents love for a child. Faith is a principal of action. Faith-> do because of belief. Pair up faith with obedience 1 nephi 3:7Moroni 7:40-48Watch elder uchdorfHope is critical. Hope braces us. The stronger out hope, the purer our charity. You can't untangle the three. Satan is going to go after your faith through your hope. Hope is an anchor of our hope and charity. Moroni 7:33, 40-48We NEED to have hope, or we're not living. Charity IS the savior. The description of charity in these verses are descriptions of who the savior. First start by humbling yourself. 48 become! Do what God wants me to do; BE LIKE CHRIST! 43- be meek n lowly of heart = charity Now read 40-43 again, keeping all we just discussed in mind. The antidote is to love. Put off that anger and frustration. 10:20 -22 we loose hope from transgressions. When you mess up, hope deminishes. You can always have because of the atonement - you can repent and retract your wrong. You can ALWAYS use the atonement. Don't let satan make you think your sin is too much for the atonement. Turn to God. Ask for help both from him, and from those around you. Seek spiritual help. Stop! Stop the transgression! 32-34 Moroni's last words. Come unto Christ, put aside the things of the world. How do you come unto Christ? Try reading the Book of Mormon. Read the whole book. At least once a day.
April 29 2014 - institute
Isaiah 27:5 laws of randomization. Take hold if His strength. Strength - atonement = enabling power. Break this verse into a math formula - 1. strength + willingness + action + savior's strength (grace) = peace 2. Atonement (Christ love ) - sin = forgiveness (peace) If you love me, keep my commandments, even if that means to repent. 3. Lords strength + my faith = peace (comfort in trial ) 4. Christ strength =/> my peace / strength Christ's strength / courage Ether 12:27Have the courage to act on what The Lord asks of you. Humbling yourself is a sign of strength. D&c 88:63The Lord has full control over it- he gave us / showing us our weaknesses. God is giving us something to learn a lesson. God makes us weaker than God so we can turn to him for help. Weakness is singular not plural. Moses 1 Weakness - mortality, sin, agency (muscle) natural man -> put off the natural man to become saints, because he is an enemy to God. Enemy to strength. 2 nephi 2 tune your agency to be strong like a muscle. The more you work out, the stronger it gets. Align with GodEther 12:27 replace weakness with Misalignment Humble/ask- submit/ have faith - act / be gratefulRepent!!! Acknowledge you're misaligned. Change your desires. Make the effort to change. Mosiah 28:19, mormon 8:7-12Alma 37:21-26Ether 1:2, 2:8When you read the stories in Ether, they all have the same plan - align with God - put off the natural man. Ether 2:13 they've stopped. Had a destination, but stopped doing what The Lord wanted them to do. They felt comfortable. "We'll eventually get there" satan wants us to believe we don't need to progress. That we're fine where we're at. 14 The Lord waited until the end when they finally turned back to The Lord. The Lord talked with him for three hours. The vision occurred for three hours, then continued starting to chasten him for not turning to The Lord. When The Lord chastened you, how do you feel? He didn't chasten for the whole three hours. It was just for a short time, then teaches him. ( ,and / With)Immediately, don't wait. Did not call upon The Lord = passive prayers - repetitious. 15 he got realigned. Repenting for not praying with real intent - for not allowing God to help him progress. How many prayers are you giving a day? You go find out what to do with that problem, then come back to me and tell me what you have come up with. Ch 3 he finally learned the lesson, and was able create such amazing miracles. Pray with a submissive attribute. Align with God and you will be converted.
April 22 2014 - institute the hard things in life
Hard things ppl go through:
1. Self judgement/ self deprecatory
2. Broken homes
3. Money- no desire to work
4. Pride-God/man
5. Addictions
6. Death of loved one
7. Physical, mental, emotional handicaps/limitationsInjuries- mental/ physical Spiritual death of loved oneBad agencyJealousy.
How many of the above have you experienced?
Mormon 8:1-3 discouragement 4-major depression. Giving up. Hit rock bottom. Out for the count. What matters is gone. 5-depression to the point of only do what I have to. Mormon 1:1 had no intentions of writing more. He grew up in the hunger games - warfare. 7-8, 11-12 the point of why he is writing 13- DONE 14- yet continues- he's back. He had his the record between vs 13 n 14. Revelation occurred. More optimistic. Just introduced a future. At first was going through own personal struggle. God calls the weak. When you're low that's when you want to come closer to God. You are able to climb out of your challenges, no matter how many there are if you turn to God. 14- 16- talking about Joseph smith. Put Joseph smith when he says 'he' 35-as a seer and revelator he has seen our day.36- talking to us. Apostasy in our day. 26, 28, 30-32, 38, 40 - what he saw for our day.Ch 9 of Mormon talks specifically to those who do not believe in Christ. We should study ether and Moroni with great intent. Make the Book of Mormon our main focus of study, for it was written for our day. Ask your questions as you read / study / ponder the Book of Mormon:What lesson can I learn? Why did God want him to write this?
April 16 2014 - institute
John 1 - think of it instead of the gospel of St. John more as the testimony of St. John. Each man lived the same story, but will explain it slightly differently. 20:31 three different thoughts after reading this scripture: If I believe in The Lord then ill have peace and comfort. If I read and sincerely pray then I will receive a testimony of Jesus Christ. If I believe in Christ I will do his will. John 1:1-14Christ:We were with God premortally; Creator / teacher; Light of the worldWord; Only begotten of the father;perfect/grace and truthGenesis 1:1Vs 4 sticks out to me because if the light of Christ is in all men, I'm worth something and have the ability to use that light to help others. 26-34 johns testimony of Jesus Christ: sacrifice, he's here, righteous / perfect, all through Christ, godhead, divinity of Christ. He is the lamb of God. What does that mean to you? To me it means that he is so perfect, so humble that I need to make my life like his, become more like him. All prophets went up to the mountain to talk with God, when Christ went downwards for his baptism. That's really symbolic for what he was going to do. (Got baptized in the Dead Sea- he came to redeem the dead. Lol)You are the only one that can make yourself not receive all the father has; God will not not want to give you all of it, for he loves you!John 2 what was the first miracle? Water into wine. 2:1-4 woman is a form of respect. Vs 5-10 do it. Christ respects his mother. He never goes half way. He always does his best. You should do the same. Do all you can do in the best way that you can. Christ is simple and powerful. Doesn't look for the fan fair. What he provided was better than what was there before. We do our best, then Christ can help us make it better. Is showing that he has power over the elements showing that he has done this before in the creation of the earth. Through the savior we can have eternal salvation. When I understand the teachings of Christ, and you understand the teachings of Christ, we understand each other.
April 15 2014- institute
Mormon 1-3Mormon is a righteous army captain. He got the records when he was ten. 3 nephi 5:13Mormon 1:1-5 be quick to observe. Isaiah 42:20. You must observe. Obey D&C 54:6 hear, look/see/notice, feel, obey/apply, keep, rememberYou should always have dignity and humility when you pray. Will you sit when you communicate with your Heavenly Father? Ponder what gifts if the spirit you have and how you can use it to help others. Pray to have the power of discernment. Spiritual gifts can be learned and be trained. Perceive/ask. Don't give up when times get rough, endure to the end; you could influence others. The more you respond to promptings of the spirit, the more God will trust you with them, so the more you will get. Opposition will come as you work harder on your spiritual gifts, but as you endure and stick to the righteous decisions, the stronger you will become and the closer to God you will become. 'August 2013 ensign - sarcasm' vs being sober. Mormon 2:195:1 - don't give up. Have the intent to help. Allow the atonement to continually help and purify and change you. 8:36Mormon's life was really really hard. What's your happy place? That you can just let the world crumble around you and you can just fell more at peace. Mine is the piano. What spiritual gift /talent do you feel you have been given? How can you train that gift? 5:1 it's good to humble yourself and recognize what you did wrong; but don't beat yourself up for it.
April 8 2014 - institute
Some topics from GC- gratitude, be of good courage, purify NOW, obedience, love one another, be an example, live one life, 2nd coming prep, etc. What are you going to do because of an impression you received during GC (general conference)? How are you going to measure what the spirit has implied for you to do? What is the blessing you would like to receive from doing this? / what do you hope to achieve? HG-->act-->measure-->achievement/goal Reflect on it, then turn to The Lord and ask if you're doing it right / if you're going about it the right way. Create a schedule, and stick to it. Involve others- have them follow up. Set up a visual symbol to remind I.e - image (pic), music, parable, vs/phrase/words from a scripture, jewelry/outfit/trinket, bookmarks, etc. listen after you talk in your prayers. Notice how you feel and what you think. Stop and listen. LISTEN!
April 2 2014- institute
Luke 10:25-29 tempted - trying to trick him. Love God, and thy neighbor. If you can keep these two, you've got it. Vs 29- justifying. Who is my neighbor? Looking for a loop hole. Vs 30Christ tells the story about the Good Samaritan. First observe then serve. Came and saw; compassion; went to him; found wounds; oil and wine; own beast; took to inn; cared for him; paid for him; employed someone to watch over him; went the full extent. Compare these qualities of the Good Samaritan to Christ. Everyone is your neighbor. Even your enemies. Vs 36-37Lost thingsLuke 15:1 tax collectors and sinners. 2 Pharisees and scribesChrist is socializing with sinners tells parables: 3-4 sheep are dumb and wander off. Easily distracted. 5-7 rejoice and joy Isaiah 53:6Luke 15:8 woman= church. Coin = member of the church. A coin can't just walk away. Carelessness. 9-10 rejoicing and joyProdigal son: who would you call prodigal in this story: 11-12 you don't get inheritance until father dies. Son basically saying you're already dead to me. I just want your money. 13 blows it all off. Willfully rebelling. 14-15 pig-unclean. Not only works with them, but practically lives with them. Lowest you can get. Like eating out of the garbage. 16-17 he came to himself. Willing to go as a servant back home. 18-20 - forgiving, compassionate, has been watching for him. Didn't go searching for him. Be patient and wait. 21-24 rejoicing and joy25-28 no joy. He's ticked. But dad comes out to him and talks with him. 29-30 me vs him disowning his brother. 31-32 he forgot. He lacked compassion and mercy. This is not a rivalry returning; it is his brother. It was one that was lost, and now was found. Break out of the prison of yourself. Push away the green monster of jealousy. Vs 20 father had compassion, which is: Understand and love, sympathy and empathy, happy for others success, what can I do, how can I helpJude 1:20-25 talking to us. Make a difference. Changes our view. Compassion is good for all of us. Look at the father as the prodigal. Our Heavenly Father is prodigal with us. Most caring, the most lavishing. Has much compassion.
April 1 2014-institute
_____ makes me really happy. Fill in the blank. 4th nephi 1:16 (what makes them really happy? They were one with Christ, giving them pure joy. The love of God dwelt in their hearts. Vs 1-2 Vs 2-5, 7, 10-13, 15-18When we have a covenant people, we're getting closer to a perfected and righteous people. Keeping the covenants can bring us joy, even in hard times. Have you receive His image in your countenance? When you're living the way you should, you'll always be happy. Make goals, then do what you can to reach them one at a time. Vs 20 - revolted against the church. Powerful. Didn't just drift away. Help people, address their struggles when they're beginning before they Explode. Don't turn against each other and the church. When you do, destruction follows. 2 nephi 28:20 -1 - vision of our day. Satan uses each of us to turn against each other. It's the simple little things that he uses against us. He makes us comfortable with where we at, not wanting progression, which will eventually lead to digression. It rages on in the heart. (George Albert smith, improvement era may 1935 pg 278)Are you choosing the uplifting or digressing side? There is no middle line. Experiment with righteousness.
March 25 2014 - institute
3 nephi 11 vs 17Teaches basics one day, other time is more in depthThe beatitudes are guidelines for obtaining happiness. 12:13 the salt of the earth-salt preserves. Help and love others in a no judgmental way. Feast after righteousness. 12:14-1613:21,2215:1218:16, 24-29Matt 5:16Light- put yourselves out there. God expects us to be the light. Not that you can be, but that you are. Without you, they have no light. By being his disciple you are a light, and by bring a light you are his disciple. The atonement applies differently than it applies to you, but that doesn't mean we can't help others come closer to Christ. Put yourself in their shoes. 3 nephi 19-24 no man can serve two masters. Don't justify! Font over analyze. Sometimes we over think the don't judge people to the not judging the sin. You can't wear the worlds Jersey them suit up when church time rolls around. There are individuals who try to serve The Lord without offending the devil. Good, vs better, vs best! There's a difference between busy and productive. BeingUnderSatan's Yolk13:114:2115:1, 9-1018:6, 10-12, 3327:22Hear and do. Endure! D&c 58:26+Christ is out advocate with the father - 3 nephi 19:15-23. D&c 45:3-5. What gift / talent have you been given, and how can you use that this week to help others? 3 nephi 27You can't learn more without asking. Ask and it shall be given unto you.Write down what you learn. Write down promptings of the spirit no matter what situation you're in. Write it down or you might forget. Do you want to make God happy? Alma 41:10"Do these things that ye have seen me do" ~Christ
March 18 2014-institute
3 nephi 1 stay optimistic. Ground yourself on commandments and standards. Think about the eternal perspective. Vs 8 no doubt, font give up. The people who do not believe are making fun of them. If they say the sign needs to happen by this date or you will be killed, what would you do? How much faith do you have in God? You can pray to God to help you have the faith needed. You should try to do do your best because you WANT to be like Christ. It's your choice to choose how to look at the lesson being taught. Vs 11-14 God wants us to believe and trust in God. God doesn't want us to fear or be sad, he's telling us to be happy and promises what he says will happen, will happen. God is showing his tender mercy. Fear not, be of good cheer. 2 nephi 31:20-21 do this and ye shall have eternal life. Doctrine of Christ - doctrine if the Father- of eternal life. Submit your will to God. Be one with God. 3 nephi 1:22as soon as its given satan works his hardest to ruin it. Vs23 - many others!! Vs24 others want to get ahead of the prophet. They're close to being right. They pulled the trigger too quick. Look back to your intent. 3 nephi 8 heading many people died through various options of destruction. Vs2 time frame. Year it ended. Vs 19- 3 hours, some say more. Darkness! 1.Christ died 2.The earth groaned 3. 3 hours of destruction 4. 3 days of darkness vs 20-215. Ch 9 Christ 1st XVs14 -16, 19-21 NOW the law of Moses has been fulfilled. Have faith and repent. Come home- come back to me - change your ways. An invitation no matter where you are in life. 6. 10:1 silence Vs 9 finished. Vs 18 Mormon's commentary / he's speaking. Cleaning up and building up started to occur. 11:1 gathered at the temple for a specific feast. Compare to the Passover. The law of Moses is not just the Ten Commandments. Aaronic and melchezidik law. The Passover is when the temple laws were given (A&M). Afterwards is the Pentecost. That's what they're doing in bountiful at the temple. (Acts 1- stayed after resurrection and taught for 40 days. )Custom to go to the temple. Vs 3 did not understand the voice the first time. 4-5Ch 11- Look at howChrist introduces himself and how he reacts to the people at the temple, and what he teaches the peopleCh 17- sends them home, tell families, come back the next day.
Wednesday, March 12, 2014
Institute - follow God's commandments March 11, 2014
That covenant you make with God is the qualifier, and the promise God gives you is the sanctifier. You qualify for the promise, and he sanctifies your efforts. Christ is the mediator and you can't get to the father without going through Christ. Obedience to the commandments qualifies us. They're God's laws. They're never changing. Gov laws change.
Helamen 15:1-3, 17. 4-62
nephi 2
Mosiah 2:36-37 AFTER you have known! Went from alma 4 to anti Christ behavior - enemy of God (the natural man)
D&C 82:2-3 precept upon precept line upon line. Don't sin at all, but when you do, stop and repent. The more knowledge you have the more you have been given, the more accountable you are.
Article of faith 2
I The Lord am bound when you do what i say, but when ye do not what I say, I The Lord have no promise. If you don't feel the spirit in your life, stop what you're doing and do better. Christ will be with you every step of the way
John 14: 15-18 Baptismal covenant. Christ is telling us: Don't give up, keep trying, ill always be with you.
Helamen 15:5, 7 it creates a desire to become better. There's not just a repentance of becoming bad to good, but also from good to better. Do you have traditions that need to be changed? The spirit will guide you. Don't try to work on ALL of your weaknesses at once, take one step at a time.
Vs 17 IF!!!! It is YOUR choice. Christ will never give up on you!
Sunday, February 23, 2014
Relief society Feb 23, 2014
Are you looking back or looking forward?
Lots wife - genesis 19:17, 26. Knowing they should have their primary residence in Zion but wanting to keep their summer cottage in Babylon. Do you doubt Gods plan and commandments for you? Don't be so focused on your past that you can't move forward.
Apostle Paul- Philippians 3:13-14 (7-14). You've got to let go, keep moving forward, and put your faith in God. When you're mowing the lawn, do you look behind you at the work you've done, or ahead at the work you'll be able to accomplish. Faith is always pointed towards the future. Just glance behind. Leave the ashes. You're not growing if you're looking backwards. Faith is an active forward thing building on the past. Sometimes you just have to trust The Lord instead of our own understanding. Faith is an action word. Faith as the assurance of things unseen which are true. Faith as the evidence of things not seen. Step into the darkness with assurance and hope. Assurance, action and evidence back each other up. Inter related and circle upward. Face forward to an uncertain future with assurance that God will lead you, taking that faith onto action, ending up with evidence. Compare to science - hypothesis, experiment, conclusion. Spiral effect. Faith leads to Christ. Faith without works is dead. Be doers of the work and not hearers only. Faith is the principle of action. D&C 58:20.
Faith is exercising our agency. God knows when you are ready for the trial. Trust him. Learn to draw upon The Lord, and he will guide you. Let us all have a strong common goal of building the kingdom of God and bring to pass the immortality and eternal life of men. Be an example, serve, visit teach, home teach, fulfill your callings, missionary work, be a friend, etc.
Stake conference Feb 2014
Sis Massey- why do you think simple acts of service have the power to bring us closer to heaven? We are keeping our baptismal covenants, and coming closer to God! Simple service can make someone's day! What simple acts if service or kindness have people done for you that just made your day? What about things you gave fine for others that just made their day? What can you do to help? Share, give, smile, listen, help, etc! Be upright, just, and merciful. Cultivate a quality of charity. WWJD! We are all children of God, so we are all brothers and sisters! Just like a big brother would look after his little sister, we should look after everyone as if we were their big brother. Act towards everyone as a big brother to his younger sister! Visit teach! God may choose you to be an instrument in his hands to help another one of his children. Then maybe one day he'll have someone else be an instrument to help you. Serving brings happiness in our lives because its keeping us selfless like Jesus. When you're helping you're happy. Take it from being inward and project it outward! We are held accountable for all our choices. Defy the natural man and become more like God. James 2:10. 1 nephi 21:10. Isaiah 53:4-5Repentance means to change for good. You'll find your way to the scriptures for the future. From our mistakes we receive feedback - we learn from our mistakes. Turn yourself around and go the right way. Be humble enough to learn new tricks. What direction are you going in? Let the spirit guide you. The spirit gives you hints. The Holy Ghost is your gps. We my miss a lot of turns, but it always recalculates. Eventually if we get way off the road, it will yell you to just get to this one spot, then it will guide you from there. Stop talking, stop coming up with excuses, etc... Zip it and listen. Listen to what the spirit has to say. You'll get the sense. He'll warn you in times of danger. He'll tell you which way to go. He'll help us know what we should do. He can also being you peace. Build in your hearts the love of Christ. He is not a punishing God. May the peace of Christ be with you. Everyone feels and recognizes the spirit differently. Deut. 4:29 God hears our prayers as we seek him. D&c 93:1. Mormon 9:9. 2 nephi26:13. Psalms 2:7. Be aware and willing and ready to engage.
Sacrament meeting
Bro amatangelo- Moroni said through the Holy Ghost we can learn the wisdom of all things. 'Reverence for God is the beginning of wisdom' talked on tithing. How one young student didn't have enough money to pay for both tithing and college tuition. She decided to pay her tithing. Then later that week someone came up to her and ended up telling her they would pay for all her college tuition. God blesses us when we follow the commandments.
Bro. Louis- fsoy-D&C 78:19 may ensign 'thanks be to God' our spirits control our bodies, not the other way around. We are judged spiritually. Our responsibility once we receive and have the gospel is to share it. It's the spirit that teaches, it doesn't matter what we say. (But yet it does) how many no's can you get? It is your choice to accept God and the Holy Ghost in your life! The most important duty is to preach the gospel! All members pray for a baptism or a friend to come to church or take the lessons.
Bro. Simpson- D&C 107:1-4 ( how we got the name for the Melchizedek priesthood) Aaronic priesthood -lesser priesthood and outward appearance. Helps you learn how to become more mature, etc to help you prepare for the more higher and spiritual priesthood. Aaronic - physical. Melchizedek - spiritual. Order of authority:Christ -> prophet -> 1st presidency -> 12 apostles -> quorum and are of 70s -> stake president (oversees 8 wards) -> bishops -> ward-> Melchizedek priesthood (give blessings with the laying on of hands, can marry others, can serve a mission, can become one of the order in authority listed above, ) -> Aaronic priesthood ( pass n bless the sacrament, baptize, teach, collect fast offerings, help church members live the commandments (home teachers) prepare bread n water for sacrament service, baptize, etc. layers of this priesthood are: deacon, teacher,the priest. Bishop presides over the priests,as well as the ward) )
Tuesday, February 18, 2014
Institute - with Christ in our lives
Feb 11, 2014What council would you give a future child how to deal with mortality in just 4 sentences?Even in the hardest times, turn to God and he'll always be there. Don't let the natural man overtake what you know is right. Be patient, have courage, and believe in yourself. Keep the words of God refreshed in your mind daily. Alma 36:1-3 trust God, keep the commandments. You will then be blessed with knowing where you stand, self confidence, aka temporally and spiritually. It's the whole key that will unlock anything else. 12-15 we are held accountable if we spiritually murder someone else. Recognize your sin. You might feel worthless, dirty, low, empty, and wish you never existed. 17-18 Christ's atonement has been given to us to help us gain some hope and become a better person. Remember what you've done do you don't do it, but recognize that God forgives you. Don't dwell on it. You can teach others. Even in your darkest times, and you've lost the spirit of Christ, right when you're about to completely give up, the spirit will remind you that the atonement is still there for you to use. It's ok to cry. Get on your knees and pray. God is waiting for you to turn to him. He will help you. Remember - hope. There's always a choice. We do fall, we do fail, we we can always try again! Starts out bitter, then after you've turned to God after your trials, revelation comes. 12-15 = bitter, nasty17-18= the hinge, revelation of truth, what to do / your next step. Confess. It takes a lot of integrity to right your wrong. The bishop will NEVER look down on you. The adversary is trying to stop you from partaking of the atonement. Now not everything ends up seeing the bishop. But when in doubt, see the bishop. You'll sleep better. 19-21 the atonement will work as soon as you let it. The pain can go away immediately. Your joy will be as strong as your pain if not more. FORGIVE YOURSELF!!!! You are your own worst enemy. Don't call God a liar. That his atonement isn't great enough for you. You cannot hide your crimes from God. Learn from your mistakes. Become a better person. Alma 42:4,13-23. (Watch video) 29. May it trouble you no more. Turn to the Keys who have the ability to help us. Only worry about the things you haven't repented of yet.
Institute - it's all a seed
Exact obedience brings long term blessings and happiness. Alma 31:15-16 humility that leads to repentance. 22 - faith leading to action. God desires YOU to have a testimony. God wants you to know all things. He wants you to have your own knowledge. 23, 24 - have the desire to know. Need to Have the word of God = have the spirit of Christ in your life. Repetition is important to keep it fresh and alive. Keep the testimony of the basics. What's basics have increased throughout the years? EVERYONE is invited to have a testimony. 27- experiment. Act. Test your own faith. Faith is a principle of action. Seek learning/understanding/testimony by faith/action/experience. Have the hope to start your journey. You can ALWAYS strengthen your testimony no matter how much you know. Faith is not a perfect knowledge but a hope for things unseen. Faith as the assurance of things unseen which are true. Faith as the evidence of things not seen. Step into the darkness with assurance and hope. Assurance, action and evidence back each other up. Inter related and circle upward. Face forward to an uncertain future with assurance that God will lead you, taking that faith onto action, ending up with evidence. Compare to science - hypothesis, experiment, conclusion. Spiral effect. Faith leads to Christ. Faith without works is dead. Be doers of the work and not hearers only. Faith is the principle of action. D&C 58:20. Faith is exercising our agency. Certain principles of man change, when the principles of Christ are perfect and never changing. You can have a perfect knowledge of the gospel / the principles of Christ, when you can't have a perfect knowledge of the principles of men. Alma 32 : 26-28 faith is conditional. 29-32 you're not going to plant an apple seed and out grows an orange tree. The seed will be consistent in what it's genetics are. Start out small then continue to grow. Just start out reading one verse a day. I dare you to just try to read at least just one scripture, one verse a day. You will see the blessings and will start reading / wanting more. What goes around comes around. Wickedness NEVER was happiness. There is no middle ground. Each different testimony is its own seed. Testimony of modesty, that's a seed. Tithing, that's a seed. Etc. we have many seeds to take care of. Take one seed at a time. SwellingEnlargesEnlightensDelicious - you love it and want more. If this testimony has ended up with this seed, it is a good seed. Alma 32:33-34 God commanded us to be perfect. It's a process we can become perfect in one thing. Seed by seed step. God wants us to become like him. 35-36 will only start your full experience. Your perfect knowledge is not the end of your growth. 37- 40 the tree of life. Everlasting growth. Christ and HF don't stop their growth. They might have a perfect knowledge, but they continue to tend the works. If you don't continue to act, it will weaken. Once it's first rooted, it's always there. You might cut it down, but you can rebuild it. (Compare to planting sugar canes). You're not told to read the scriptures once. You continuously read it, for you learn something different each time. 41-43 Alma 32:43 READ!!! VERY IMPORTANT!! Don't let Satan's doubts get to you. Ask yourself what you know right now. Recognize whet you don't now yet and strive to learn. God may not want you to learn that subject right then. He might have you learn that in maybe five years. That's where patience comes in. What does God want you to know right now? What's important for you right now? Look at the basics. Figure out what you know. You can't your car, if you don't know what parts need to be fixed. Listen to the spirit, then act upon your answer. Your answer will come. Be patient. Don't listen to the doubt. Hasten your efforts once you gain the perfect knowledge.
Today's Prophet is President Russel M. Nelson (17th / Current Prophet) of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. We as ch...
RIP – Robert D. Hales! M. Russel Ballard – The trek through life continues on. The trek back to our Heavenly Father is the most i...
Cleave together – use each other for strength / Can help each other be happy again; but, don't forget to turn to the Lord with ...